Friday, August 21, 2020

5 thing Friday - Teddy, Cheeseburger Salad, table, summer, Christmas gifts

The Girl had been super worried about a couple of "bumps" she found on Teddy's paw.  Of course she started googling it like crazy and it made her upset to think it might be doggie cancer and he would lose a leg and yada yada yada imagination overload.  I feel like her initial concerns are valid, and she should definitely ask her vet, but you can't let your imagination run wild and make you mental.  Solid advice from a parent of four humans.
Turns out it was nothing to obsess over - she just needs to watch them to be sure they aren't growing fast.  They didn't even think it was important to biopsy them.  This dog plays a huge role in her happiness so I breathed a sigh of relief right alongside her.
 Cheeseburger salad made with chopped up leftover cheeseburger patties, pickles, lettuce, tomato, and onion.  Very tasty.  I like mine with bleu cheese dressing!
I never blogged about the little table project because like so many projects such as this, I was over it before I was actually done with it.  We had to shorten the legs, jig them some pegs to reassemble, fill worm holes, sand, paint, put felt pads on the bottoms of the legs...and I never did go get the pretty blue chalk paint for it, opting instead to use some paint I already had.  Whomp, whomp.  At least there is a space here to set your coffee down (instead of the chair arms) which is the ONLY reason I even bought it.
 Creative tying on of a 10 ft piece of trim for that never-ending project in the barn.  I am happy to report it made it through 100+ degree temp day in a one hour trip to Highlands.
Firstborn's girlfriend has this very cute 4 year old!  I "stole" some of her pics off Facebook to make a freebie memory photo game for Christmas because I am sneaky like that.  Yes, I have already started planning the holidays, and buying gifts here and there because focusing on some happy times ahead is taking the sting out of this summer...


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