Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A perfect storm

The pandemic has been hard on college students as well as the rest of us.  Maybe more so for them than us old-timers who can roll a little bit more with the punches - we've been punched before.  Twenty-one year olds are just learning how to be independent and navigate the world, then it goes all wonky.
Bubbie has been in San Marcos since a couple of weeks after Spring Break.  And he's been mostly isolated as his roomies moved back to their homes or to new apartments for the summer.  Sure, we've texted back and forth and chatted by phone a couple of times, but he's on his own on the daily.
I worried about his state of mind when I learned that he was having a rough time passing a class he was taking, the windows in the Baja refusing to roll down, dozens of spam calls on his phone in a short period of time, and issues with the router he was using for his computer, making it unuseable.
Coming home for a recent weekend was just the ticket, but we didn't know details of all of the troubles until the NEXT weekend, when Hubby told him to just get a good night's sleep, gather his things together, and come home so we could help with these issues before the start of the semester.  I mean, trying to handle things on your own is great and all, but sometimes you need your family to give you a bit of a hand!
And a hug might help!

Bubbie has a loving family who genuinely cares about him and that will help to keep him grounded.  We remind him often that we are "just down the road" and he should never hesitate to call us for help.  Pandemic or no pandemic, a perfect storm of troubles can knock you off balance.  Even for us old-timers.


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