Friday, July 17, 2020

My owls. All mine.

I was enjoying lunch at my kitchen table, gazing out the window, and thought the tree looked a little different.  The branch moved, so I got up to see.
 O.M.G.  OWLS!!!!! {say that like Buddy the Elf yelled about Santa!}  I watched two small ones hop around the branches of a pecan tree on our fence line.  {Side story:  this pecan tree came from a sack of cracked nuts my mother bought for me and the kids to crack for Christmas cookies and candies about 17ish years ago.  Some of the nuts were too hard to shell, so we left them for the squirrels.  The rest is history.}  They looked too "fuzzy" and small to be anything but chicks.
 And sure enough, I spied the momma in another branch.  Look at her shape.  She's BIG.  
THREE OWLS!  Eastern Screech Owls, to be exact.  I was so excited!!!
Yes, I still see you.  Please stay, you are so adorable.
killing me.
And stay they did - all afternoon.
Mom never moved, but she did fix me with a stare.  When dusk came, the little ones flew into my yard and perched above the deck long enough to study us, bobbing their heads around and making cute little noises.  Then Big Momma Flew across the yard and social time was over.  She was ready to teach them to hunt!  I'm so excited we have all these owls.  Besides being beautiful, they are beneficial to have around.  Maybe we will have to build an owl house for Camp Rustown!


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