Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The 2018 Christmas cards

On Thanksgiving afternoon, we gathered everyone up and walked a couple of blocks to the greenbelt in our neighborhood to take a few photos.  No one dressed up.  I didn't put a bit of makeup on. Teddy was deliriously happy to be on a walk with 8 happy humans.
And the next day, Dutch sent me the pics, which I immediately uploaded to Walgreen's photo site and printed up 24 Christmas cards on card stock for less than $16.  I had them by last week and mailed them out right away.  Winning.

A smiling group of people who spent the day as a family.  It was perfect.  


1 comment:

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

The photos are great and your cards are darling! And, you look amazingly good without makeup. Without make-up, I look like something out of a horror film! Happy holidays to you and yours, Gina!