Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Weekend re-cap: Perisso's, STW, Pottery Ranch, Bill's, Bent Oak

It doesn't look like I'm going to get better at photo-documenting our weekends anytime soon. But it was a stressful week, so I am giving myself a break.  And this coming weekend I am on call, so I will skip the re-cap.  I'm sure it will involve chores, and possibly going to work.  So.
 We started out by eating at a Mexican restaurant in Liberty Hill. Then sat outside at Highlands for a while, tucking ourselves into bed by 10:30 to rest up.  Because the next day bright and early was harvest at Perissos!
 All of us picked 13.1 tons of Tempranillo and Touriga in about 2.5 hours.
 It was actually very fun!  Afterwards they had a grape stomp.
As it was also release day at STW, we puttered around to kill time until 1 p.m. when they open.  We have always wanted to check out the pottery and imports store on 281 - The Pottery Ranch.  It was about a billion degrees outside with the humidity, but we managed to kill over an hour admiring the Talavera pottery,
 the rustic farmhouse window art,
 more pottery, handmade furniture, wind chimes, water fountains, a horse (real),
 and so much other stuff.  The inside was packed with jewelry, decorating accents, candles, linens and pillows, leather stuff, art for the walls - too much to look at.
 By then we were tired to say the least.  We enjoyed our popcorn and beer, visited with a couple of friendly gentlemen, played cards and
enjoyed the miracle of a newly air-conditioned tank room.  Amazingly, they weren't at all busy, which is unusual for a release day.  We left around 3:30 to nap in our lounge chairs at Highlands.  We grilled some Hatch Chicken with squash, potato, and onion.  The next day, we slept in, made an easy breakfast, then left around 1 p.m., intending to enjoy a burger in Marble Falls, and try out a winery next door.  But that winery turned out to be closed, so we made a plan to visit Westcave Cellars.  Sadly, we got turned around and ended up on the opposite side of Lake Travis.  So, another day for Westcave, I guess.  Curse you, Google maps!
Plan C was a winery located in Cedar Park, which we knew nothing about.  Set in an industrial park, it looks like nothing much on the outside.  But we walked inside and it was amazing.  A jazz saxophonist was playing, there was soft lighting, scented candles, people clustered around in eclectic seating, obviously having a great time.
The owner was very friendly and the wine was outstanding.  How in the world had we missed this place?  It is literally 10 minutes from our house!  They have a 500 member plus wine club which is wait list only - sign us up for that wait list!  It was an awesome end to our afternoon and I'm sure we will visit again soon.  A very nice ending to a fun weekend!


Monday, August 27, 2018

Mealplan Monday #208

- Buffalo Chicken Bites, quinoa, seasoned corn

Tuesday - Hot Dogs, potato salad, pickles and carmelized onions
Wednesday - (leftovers) Apple Pork Loin pasta bowls, salad
Thursday - Pizza take-out
Friday - Italian Baked Shrimp (we didn't eat this last week), zucchini
Saturday- YOYO
Sunday - Pork Chop and new potatoes sheet pan dinner, Arkansas green beans*, simple berry cobbler and ice cream

*This is a Plain Chicken blog recipe and my official favorite way to eat green beans!


Friday, August 24, 2018

5 thing Friday - drought, abalone shell, Jenga, pie, worry

The Austin area is having another scorcher of a summer - this one is turning out to be hotter than last summer (which was record-breaking), with over 45 days of 100 plus heat.  So, the drought is still on, and we could sure use more rain.  More than what we got the previous weekend and for a longer period of time.
Last weekend, we mowed the grass at Highlands.  A spark from an overheated engine can set the place ablaze, so it worries me.  We hadn't mowed since right after the bluebonnets died down.
The skies are still blue, the trees are still doing well, but everything else is so yellow.  Even the cacti seems to be struggling.
After a morning spent mowing, who doesn't enjoy Whataburger and a beer?
And we "beered it forward" to some friends we hope will stop by!
I found a treasure under the oaks that we cleared around to put a table for giant Jenga.  I think I will use it as a little dish on my nightstand.  At one point in time, Highlands was a virtual dump. I often joke with Hubby that any day now, we will either find a body, or a bank robber's stash up there.
That table weighs a TON and was already on the property.  It is plenty sturdy for a Jenga game in the shade.  And since the storage box for the games pieces is also heavy, it can live under the table.
Peaches are in season and plentiful, so I made a peach pie last Sunday using of my pie crusts in my freezer stash.  I boiled water to let sit on the peaches a couple of minutes, and the skins slid right off,  Then I sliced them up and added, sugar, a bit of flour, cinnamon, dash salt, and butter.  It was buttery peachy wonderful!
The situation with my mother is still a thing and has my sisters and I worried and at odds over what the solution is.  I took her grocery shopping on Wednesday, and she seemed to do fine.  But later, she showed me her bruises and burst into tears.  This isn't like her, and I know she herself is worried.  She thinks time will heal her wounds, and I'm sure that is true, but I don't think bruises are the only concern.  For now, I hope the three of us can give her some peace and not talk to her about it constantly.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Freezer meals #20

My collection of freezer meals this go-round is mostly tried and true.  
Step One is always getting organized - labeling bags, and setting all of the ingredients and recipes out.  Here we go!

Comfort Chicken - 2 pound boneless chicken thighs, 1 can cream of chicken soup, pinch dried thyme, 1 c water, 1 bouillon cube, 1/2 an onion chopped, 5 carrots peeled and sliced.  I will cook on low in the crockpot 7 hours and served with mashed potatoes.

BBQ Ribs - (this is actually a pork roast because I couldn't find the ribs!) I made a rub with brown sugar, garlic, paprika, cayenne, S&P and coated the roast.  Then added it to the bag with 1/2 c or so of spicy honey BBQ sauce.  Will cook on low in the crockpot probably 8 hours.

Ranch Pork Chops - 6 boneless pork chops with a mixture of homemade HVR dressing mix, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, and 1/2 c milk poured over.  I will cook 7 hours on low in the crockpot.

Shredded Korean Beef for tacos - this is so good!!

Taco Chili - 1 pound ground beef cooked and drained, 1 can drained corn, 1 medium chopped onion, 1 c black beans*, 8 oz. tomato sauce, 2 can diced tomatoes,  1 small can diced green chilies,  1 packet taco seasoning mix.  Cook on low 6 hours in the crockpot.

Mrs. Ringle's Brisket Chicken - Couldn't find brisket so I used up some chicken breasts I had!  I cut each one into thirds, coated them with dijon mustard, rolled them in onion soup mix, and placed in the ziploc.  Will cook on low in the crockpot about 6 hours, or in the oven at 375 for about 25 minutes.

Nashville Hot Chicken - we've had this one before and it was a big hit - we eat it on onion hamburger buns.

Buffalo Bites - I cubed a couple of very large chicken breasts into 1 inch pieces and coated them in a mixture of HVR and buffalo sauce.  I will cook them at 375 for about 20 minutes on a sheet pan and serve over quinoa bowls.  Easy peasey.

*I also got the crock going for black beans which I will use in the taco chili, as well as in taco salads and such.

 And here is the mess I made.  Sigh.  I had about 15 minutes to clean it up before I had to get dressed for work!  And believe it or not, when 15 minutes was up, the dishwasher had been unloaded, reloaded, and taco salads for dinner made.
 Boom, baby!  I promise I also took the overflowing trash out.
For all that work, it takes up so little room.  But that's a few meals to see us through the next 8 Mondays.  


Monday, August 20, 2018

Mealplan Monday #207

Mom, working on her latest quilt

- Cranberry Chicken (freezer)*, couscous, green veggie

Tuesday - Beef Taco Salads
Wednesday - Italian Shrimp, rice, zucchini
Thursday - Crockpot Cowboy Beans
Friday - Seasoned Chicken Cutlets, Divine Asparagus
Saturday - yoyo
Sunday - Healthier Tater Tot Casserole, salad
*the last of the freezer meals so I need to plan some new ones!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Worry about Mom

In recent years, my mother has hurt herself, sometimes gravely.  There was the incident on the railroad tracks in downtown Brenham where she fractured her patella and spent 6 weeks in a full leg cast.  Falling on the wet back deck and splitting her scalp, requiring stitches.  Getting shingles just above her eye. (eyesight is a constant worry for her)  Tripping and falling on one of the numerous chicken holes near the garden and breaking her arm.  Hitting a deer with her truck, causing big damage. Getting an eye infection that threatened the sight in one eye recently.
  And just a couple of days ago, failing to yield at a stop sign and getting t-boned, totaling her truck and bruising her ribs, among having other things like lost keys, shock, confusion, and possibly a bruised liver.  Also, she has zero transportation now and all of us are many miles away.
Even Gus is worried.
She's already talking about getting another truck, but even if she were 100% sharp, we think her driving days are coming to a close and some hard decisions need to be made.  Because sometimes, insurance companies give side eye to 88 year olds with sight issues that have a totaled truck in an at-fault accident.  And sometimes daughters have to come up with a better plan.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Mealplan Monday #206

- Roast and Gravy (freezer), mashed potatoes, peas

Tuesday - Cheese and Bacon Spread* on toast, chopped salad
Wednesday - Alamo Bowls with leftover chicken taco meat (freezer)
Thursday - Beef Enchiladas (homemade enchilada sauce from freezer), salad
Friday - Cod with parsley lemon breadcrumbs, bacon-y green beans
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - Dr. Martin's Mix, garlic toast, peach pie with ice cream

*My mom made this for us growing up: grate up enough cheddar cheese for the folks you are feeding, cook some bacon (whatever amount you have) and crumble it into the cheese.  If you are feeling fancy, mince some green or purple onion and add that, too.  Mix with enough mayo to make a spread and add in some fresh ground pepper.  Serve on toasted bread.


Friday, August 10, 2018

5 thing Friday - snarky sign, barn storage, car tags, hair, Bubbie

When we visited San Saba recently, Hubby came across this sign in a shop and decided he couldn't pass it up:
 He thinks it's hilarious, I think its snarky.  I let him hang it in the back of the barn at Highlands.  
I am looking forward to fall weather and getting the inside of the barn finished out.  We need to buy a storage shed for a lot of the stuff so we have room to work.  And the less stuff up against the outside of the barn overhang, the better.  It encourages critters and such.
I harassed Scout for two weeks {or more} about coming by the house to get his auto tag renewal paperwork which was sitting on the dining table - I didn't want him getting a ticket!  Then a couple days ago I happened to look at my own windshield and what did I see?  Yep, expired tags.  Since they hadn't mailed me the form, I had to sit in line at the tax office to pay it.  Ninety some-odd degrees and low on gas.  Sure was fun sitting in the sun with no A/C.  That's what I get for nagging my kid!
 I'm digging my wavy silver hair.  Not too short, not too long, and not in such bad shape.  I wish it wasn't falling out at such an alarming rate.  Eventually I may go back to short hair, but for now it is good to be able to pull it off my neck.
Bubbie is getting himself ready for his third semester of college. {here he is shredding paperwork after clearing off his desk}  His grades so far are pretty good and he is self-sufficient on getting his clothes and supplies in order.  He's been doing his own laundry, taking care of the Baja, and even bought himself a new phone with money he saved.  He won't let me cut his hair any more or help him clean his room - signs of independence for sure.  He helps when asked and generally stays out of trouble.  I'm going to miss that kid someday.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Weekend re-cap: in and around Burnet

Last Saturday, after a long week, I just wanted to leave the house. Seriously, some weeks are like that.
Hubby fixed two things for me in the house - the stopper in my sink, and the laundry room door.  This called for a celebration.  To the BBQ Shack in Burnet we went for brisket and socializing with the very friendly owner outside.
 What is it about eating BBQ outdoors?  It tastes even better!
From there we traveled over to Save the World for the release of some pomegranate beer.  And while it was tasty, we couldn't end the afternoon without a visit to TNL to say sorry that we missed the harvest that morning.  I was bummed, but determined that will not happen next year!  We also talked to the winery owner about the terror of last Sunday - apparently TNL was evacuated for the wildfire that was raging just a few miles away.  Wineries are often family homes, too. Scary times.
On the way to TNL, we had stopped at Lowe's to see if they had the chaise loungers Hubby wanted for Highlands.  Not only did they have them, but they were almost $10 apiece cheaper on summer clearance.  Score for asking for a price check and match!  I don't have pics of them, but they are perfect.  We grilled some steak, then lounged in the chairs under the stars.  We both woke up around midnight and decided we better turn in for the night - ha! Like I said, rough week.
The next morning I made breakfast then spent more time in my chair enjoying this view:
I couldn't help it - I had zero energy or interest in much else.  The weather was perfect - in the 70's with a light breeze.  Hubby finished up some plumbing and electrical tasks in the barn, then we had sandwiches for lunch, cleaned up, and headed over to Perissos since it's been awhile.  Along the way we noted the fire damage from the previous weekend:

 Gosh it was awful - a moonscape of burnt trees and it smelled pretty freshly charred.  It took several days to get it contained.  Thankfully, no one died or lost their home. All of the profits from the pomegranate beer at STW went to the volunteer fire departments who fought it.
Perissos remembered us and asked why it took us so long to return for a visit - I didn't really have an answer for that.  They don't plan any events for the summer, and our weekends seem to end as fast as they begin.  They have lots of grapes left to harvest - we let them know we would love to help!
We enjoyed a tasting, bought a bottle, and headed home.  I made tacos al carbon from my freezer stash, watered my front yard exhaustively, and played more cards in the evening. I ran a load or two of laundry then hit the hay.  And this week promises to be as busy as the last!
