Friday, August 10, 2018

5 thing Friday - snarky sign, barn storage, car tags, hair, Bubbie

When we visited San Saba recently, Hubby came across this sign in a shop and decided he couldn't pass it up:
 He thinks it's hilarious, I think its snarky.  I let him hang it in the back of the barn at Highlands.  
I am looking forward to fall weather and getting the inside of the barn finished out.  We need to buy a storage shed for a lot of the stuff so we have room to work.  And the less stuff up against the outside of the barn overhang, the better.  It encourages critters and such.
I harassed Scout for two weeks {or more} about coming by the house to get his auto tag renewal paperwork which was sitting on the dining table - I didn't want him getting a ticket!  Then a couple days ago I happened to look at my own windshield and what did I see?  Yep, expired tags.  Since they hadn't mailed me the form, I had to sit in line at the tax office to pay it.  Ninety some-odd degrees and low on gas.  Sure was fun sitting in the sun with no A/C.  That's what I get for nagging my kid!
 I'm digging my wavy silver hair.  Not too short, not too long, and not in such bad shape.  I wish it wasn't falling out at such an alarming rate.  Eventually I may go back to short hair, but for now it is good to be able to pull it off my neck.
Bubbie is getting himself ready for his third semester of college. {here he is shredding paperwork after clearing off his desk}  His grades so far are pretty good and he is self-sufficient on getting his clothes and supplies in order.  He's been doing his own laundry, taking care of the Baja, and even bought himself a new phone with money he saved.  He won't let me cut his hair any more or help him clean his room - signs of independence for sure.  He helps when asked and generally stays out of trouble.  I'm going to miss that kid someday.


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