Friday, August 17, 2018

Worry about Mom

In recent years, my mother has hurt herself, sometimes gravely.  There was the incident on the railroad tracks in downtown Brenham where she fractured her patella and spent 6 weeks in a full leg cast.  Falling on the wet back deck and splitting her scalp, requiring stitches.  Getting shingles just above her eye. (eyesight is a constant worry for her)  Tripping and falling on one of the numerous chicken holes near the garden and breaking her arm.  Hitting a deer with her truck, causing big damage. Getting an eye infection that threatened the sight in one eye recently.
  And just a couple of days ago, failing to yield at a stop sign and getting t-boned, totaling her truck and bruising her ribs, among having other things like lost keys, shock, confusion, and possibly a bruised liver.  Also, she has zero transportation now and all of us are many miles away.
Even Gus is worried.
She's already talking about getting another truck, but even if she were 100% sharp, we think her driving days are coming to a close and some hard decisions need to be made.  Because sometimes, insurance companies give side eye to 88 year olds with sight issues that have a totaled truck in an at-fault accident.  And sometimes daughters have to come up with a better plan.



bj said...

awww, bless her heart...I am almost as old as your mom and beginning to have a few problems, needing dentures, maybe a hearing aid...I am very aware and careful about falling...still no problems with driving...I know the time is coming where my son and daughter may say I don't need to be driving and I really dread that day. I love to be able to go when and where I want..and sure your mom feels the same.
I'm sorry you have to make serious decisions about her but I know you will come up with something that will work for all involved.

Kim said...

I am so sorry to hear. I do hope she recovers quickly and is feeling well again soon. I have been there with my own mom. It was not an easy time. There were lots of things that needed to be rearranged and too many very tough decisions to count. I wish you strength and peace during this time...and while it's impossible to do, I say try not to worry too much and take care of yourself, too. Sending hugs...

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Yikes! Being a child of aging parents is terrifying, isn't it? I can only image how my own boys feel about me! God bless her, though, for still being interested in things. As for you, keep a pitcher of margaritas at the ready. ;-)