Monday, December 31, 2018

Mealplan Monday #226

- Marilyn's Cheese Peta, salad

Tuesday - Ham Balls, cabbage, black eyed peas, rolls*
Wednesday - Meatloaf, leftover mashed potatoes (freezer), IP veggie
Thursday - Something from the freezer - maybe leftover Cafe Rio Chicken, fresh veggie
Friday - Pot o' white beans with ham bone from Christmas (add carrots)
Saturday - YOYO
Sunday - Cheese bread and soup

*We have this every year and it's my FAVORITE meal for all that it represents:  the blank slate of a New Year, the end of holidays, the coming together of my family for another big holiday meal (:  Besides all that - so delish.  This year I work on New Year's Day so we will enjoy it for a BIG lunch!


Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy 20th birthday to Bubbie!

I think Bubbie sometimes gets short-shifted on his birthday - but maybe not, because he never has complained.  Other people have told him its a bummer to have a Christmas birthday.  But why is it terrible to get extra presents and have all of your family gathered around you on your birthday?
I think its pretty darn special.
A whole season to celebrate and the promise of another successful year for this very special member of our tribe - the smart, good-natured, and much-loved Grayson.  Happy 20th Birthday, Son.  May all of your days be merry and bright!
Merry Christmas Birthday, Grayson!


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Weekend re-cap: junk-ing, fondue-ing, wine-ing, eating, and relaxing

We started off our Saturday by visiting Leander Market - a group of vintage/antiques/junk stores - on our way to Burnet.
 In particular, we were looking for a solid wood bookcase for Firstborn's new apartment.

 It was $35 and just needed to have a scuff or two knocked down and a fresh coat of poly.
We stopped at Hoover Valley cafe for a catfish plate to go, then mosey'd over to Perissos.  The weather was glorious and they had live music.  

 After that, we headed to Highlands and Hubby surprised me with an early gift:  A fondue pot with a bottle of Rousanne, a loaf of bread, and some swiss and cheddar cheeses.
We filled up on fondue and skipped dinner!  And we were treated to a pretty sunset, and a calm evening by the firepit.
 A million miles from holiday stress.
The next day we visited Westcave Cellars. 
 The guitarist was a nice guy and he and Hubby chatted it up for a while, but we had one last stop to make.
 It's been about a year since we visited Wimberley Valley Winery, but we knew they would have spiced Christmas wine so off we headed!
We enjoyed a leather couch all to ourselves in front of the fireplace and we sat sipping our Christmas wine in peace - a delightful break from holiday stress.  We collected our wine and we headed home.  And today it seems like Christmas 2018 is already a million miles away.


Monday, December 24, 2018

Mealplan Monday #225

Here's what I posted on the fridge
Holiday Menu

Monday – Quiche for breakfast, Tamale Luncheon, Snackatizers* for dinner - cards and games!
Tuesday – Brunch is French Toast Casserole with bacon and sausages.  Early Dinner of Spiral Ham, Arkansas Green Beans, Steakhouse Mac and Cheese, rolls, Bourbon Bundt Birthday Cake with ice cream
Wednesday – Burgers, Jalapeno Poppers, Chips
Thursday – Crockpot Cowboy Beans, cornbread
Friday – Chicken Strips, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, fresh veg
Saturday – YOYO
Sunday – Three Cheese Tortellini with Chicken, fresh veg

*The Snackatizers this year are: Italian meats tray with assorted olives, a plate of Cranberry Goat Cheese with dried figs, gingerbread crisps and pistachio pomegranate crisps, a plate of white cheddar cheese, smoked trout, and spicy pecans, carmelized onion dip and hot artichoke dip with bagel crisps, cold-boiled shrimp with lemon wedges and seafood cocktail sauce, warm Christmas wine  

Merry Christmas from the cook!


Friday, December 21, 2018

5 thing Friday - new friends, old friends, downtown, comfort, Subie

This past year has seen some big changes for me at work.
 But time has a way of smoothing out some rough edges, and I am enjoying working with my evening peeps.  They are young and fun and we all get along, and really - what more could I ask for?
At the TNL pick-up party on Saturday we ran into an old college friend and her daughter.
I wasn't drunk, promise.  We hung out with them for a couple of hours and had a very lovely time.  And next time there is a pick-up we will make sure that we do that again!
Later that afternoon we caught a Metrorail train to downtown Austin for Hubby's office party.

 I was surprised at how fast and efficient it was - we were downtown in no time.  We had a short walk to Congress Avenue and saw the sights - the first Austin fire station, a few bars and restaurants.
  We had a very nice dinner and drinks at Roaring Fork, and a show at The Paramount.  It was a great evening!
We hopped back on the train just after 11, Firstborn picked us up at the station, and we were home before midnight.  Pooped.
Most nights I have been enjoying either hot chocolate or tea while I read a bit.  Its a nice way to relax.  We've been super busy at work and the Christmas machine has been cranking at home.  
I took Monday off and got my oil changed, among other things.  
Christmas is almost here!


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Healthier Pork Chops

 You know how when you buy a big package of mixed pork chops there are always the ugly ones* on the bottom?  They taste good when you cook them, they just aren't pretty.  Well, I cooked some of them up last week and got creative!
The Girl had brought a package of lentils and barley from Central Market home to me.  Now while that isn't something I regularly buy, I do have to say that it was a great meal shortcut.  I didn't take a photo of the package, but here is the link.
 I sauteed some leftover chopped fresh onion and tomato from taco night the day before, added in some mixed greens and a splash of chicken stock and a dab of Greek salad dressing and let it simmer, then added in my lentils and barley.  I also had some leftover charro beans and a baggie of black beans in the freezer, so in they went.  I set the pre-seasoned and browned chops on top and cooked, covered, until they were tender.  
I think this is more or less a method - not really a recipe.  And guess what?  Two other picky eaters cleaned their plates!  It was a great dinner shortcut that was one pan, plus it was loaded with veggies and grains.  A very nice change of pace and maybe one I will add in to the menus more often.


*Speaking of ugly, I just recently signed up for Imperfect Produce to be delivered to me once a week!  I'm excited for us to up our veggie intake.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Mealplan Monday #224

Its the final push until The Big Day...I am determined I will not stress out...
So dinners this week are EASY.

Monday - Omelettes, biscuits, bacon (I'm off this day)
Tuesday - Smothered Pork Loin Chops, rice, green beans
Wednesday - Cafe Rio Chicken Tacos, borracho beans
Thursday - Grilled Gouda and Smoked Turkey sandwiches, split pea soup
Friday - Spaghetti and Meatsauce with bell peppers and onions, salad
Saturday - Last of the Turkey Soup!
Sunday - Beef Tips and Gravy, mashed potatoes, something from the new produce box order that I started from Imperfect Produce


Friday, December 14, 2018

5 thing Friday - basket, front door, weather, Burnet, desk

I found these cute Santa baskets at Dollar Tree and bought a couple.
I think they are the perfect container for homemade cookies to give as gifts.  I've got one put together for my mother that will have pecans, gingersnaps, and coffee. She's pretty hard to buy for and doesn't really need anything, so treats it is.
My Christmas decorating stalled out front when I couldn't get the front door painted.  So I hung a garland up, stuck some Dollar Tree berry sprays in and called it done.  You know, there's a lot of pressure this time of year to get it all done, and I'm here to say:  YOU CAN'T.
 December in Central Texas is mostly beautiful.  Even when it rains, at least we aren't getting ice.
 At Westcave Cellars weekend before last we enjoyed the most beautiful afternoon - sipping wine, smelling wood smoke, listening to a guy play guitar.
It was their December pick-up party and we had such a nice time!  The owner served snack trays with chunks of smoked pork tenderloin, a cab sav reduction sauce, spinach and parmesan baked on French bread slices, and double chocolate brownies.  We settled back with our bottle of cab franc and our snacks - SO GOOD.
The front of one of the antique stores in Burnet features a giant frame to pose in.  Everything is so cute and quaint and festive!  I think it will be a culture shock for us to be there someday - such a small town - but in time we will love the slower pace and friendlier nature.  And Burnet is slowly being revitalized, so growth may well happen.
Along with our dying washer, the printer/fax also kicked the bucket.  Since we liked that particular model we just bought another like it - plus we had a fair number of cartridges. I spent Tuesday morning finding a space for it in the kitchen next to the cookbooks and since originally it was going to live under my desk, I thought: tra la!  I can leave my desk as is!  So I spent some time cleaning up around it, hiding the cords, sweeping under it, emptying the trash and file basket.  I love my tiny office nook.  Maybe when Firstborn moves out I will carve out a real office space, but for now, this is sweet.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The 2018 Christmas cards

On Thanksgiving afternoon, we gathered everyone up and walked a couple of blocks to the greenbelt in our neighborhood to take a few photos.  No one dressed up.  I didn't put a bit of makeup on. Teddy was deliriously happy to be on a walk with 8 happy humans.
And the next day, Dutch sent me the pics, which I immediately uploaded to Walgreen's photo site and printed up 24 Christmas cards on card stock for less than $16.  I had them by last week and mailed them out right away.  Winning.

A smiling group of people who spent the day as a family.  It was perfect.  


Monday, December 10, 2018

Mealplan Monday #223

- Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie* 

Tuesday - Mole Beef Tacos, charro beans, taco fixin's
Wednesday - Seasoned Pork Chops* with barley and lentils, carrots
Thursday - Calamity Anne's Meatloaf, roasted mini red potatoes, cheesy cauliflower rice*
Friday - Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas, salad (cookie baking night!)
Saturday - YOYO Hubby and I are going to a wine club pick-up AND a fancy schmancy dinner for his office's Christmas party
Sunday - Pulled Pork* Sammies, chips, coleslaw (I will be in Brenham for the day)
*still finding bits and bobs in my freezer to use up in the menus!


Friday, December 7, 2018

Washer woes

A day or so after Thanksgiving I noticed that the washer had several issues - not agitating, lid not locking while it was running, took forever to fill, and waaay back behind it was a leak. I called the repair man and he informed that it was time for a new washer.  Well, I guess so - this one was purchased in 1997.
It was as good a time as any to clean up the laundry nook - repainting some scuffs and places on the wall that I had missed,
scrubbing the floors, vacuuming behind the dryer and replacing its vent hose, and just generally cleaning it up in there.  Hubby ordered the new washer and we picked it up on Saturday.  It was a quick install then we hit the road.  I was not about to give up my Saturday for laundry!
My laundry nook is small but it works! 
The washer running was the background music to my Monday, and it was glorious. 
On the next "big trash" day this one will go out to the curb.  Twenty-one years of hard labor with 6 people, and now I am sold forever on Whirlpool!
