Friday, November 3, 2023

5 thing Friday - tile floors, quilts, Brenham, chalupas, anticipating the holidays

The floor in the boys' bathroom is 99% finished, so I just went ahead and spiffed up, bought a new rug, some delightful scented pump soap, and added some Fall touches.
Do I regret that I hired that tile guy?
in progress...

Well.  Yes and no.
Supposedly he will be back next week to fill in this gap, and begin tiling the master bathroom.  Once he is T totally finished (as Mark would say), I will never hire him again, no matter how pleased I am with the actual work.  You cannot take a three week break from this job you said you were ready for and leave me with work undone, your crap stored in my garage, and your tools on my patio.
Then make out like it was me who delayed the project.
I went to Mom's house yesterday to check on it.  Then I met with her attorney.
Upstairs, her sewing room is exactly as she left it on July 4th, including a quilt block in mid-construction.  It wrecked me.
I have to have faith that it will all work out, but I miss her so much.  There are so many things to divide amongst us - like 19 handmade quilts.  Which are in addition to the quilts she gave us over the years.  Each a priceless work of art.
My favorite artist, years ago.  Grand Champion!

I stopped at a burger place in downtown Brenham for lunch on Wednesday.  Was it good?  Yes.  But was it a terrible wait to get my food and a warm beer?  Yes.  Hopefully, I won't be going to Brenham more than another time or two.  And burgers need to be off my list of things to eat anyway.  My jeans are so tight I cannot breathe.
I had other fish to fry, including picking up all of her mail that the stellar Brenham post office decided not to forward me.  "Its all junk mail", the guy at the counter said.  May I look?  Oh, here's a refund check, some sympathy cards, a few statements.  Definitely not junk, sir.
A lot of it was wet and moldy.  I gave it to the attorney anyway.  Not my circus, not my monkeys.  I am done worrying about it.
Last night was taco night.  I do love me a good chalupa with refried black beans, Cafe Rio style beef taco filling, loads of cheese and sour cream, lettuce and tomato to round it out.
Does anyone else do this thing where they set all the ingredients out early, then wander off and do other stuff, then come back and make dinner once the meat is thawed?  Just me? Oh.
Fall feels like it is officially here and I am ready for a change in seasons.  I know that the rest of the year will zoooom by and I am 100% OK with that.  Its been a hard summer.  Let the holiday season begin!



Joanne said...

I take most of the dinner ingredients out of the cabinet/ freezer in the morning and let them sit on the counter nearly all day until I start actually making the meal! My culinary student hates that I thaw meat on the counter but I find if I try to thaw it in the fridge it never thaws in time. I will pop it in the fridge after it's all thawed out if I'm not going to be cooking for awhile though.

Kim said...

Wow, those quilts are gorgeous. Truly a work of art...

Anonymous said...

I love the quilts! I wish I had a quilter in my family. When I go thrifting and find them, I always buy them....trying to fill that wish for a quilter, I guess.

Wendy in HTX

Joni said...

I applaud your fall decorating efforts. Gives you a breath of change, coziness and it shows that you love yourself and your home.
Your Mom's quilts are gorgeous, her colors just sing.
I have not found a single postal worker or contractor who has a heart. My niece who is a rural carrier says that people give her attitude 50 times a day and after a while, you care just a bit less.
Man, if we treated our patients that way...the world would be so sad. Cheers to you and hoping your next beer is chilled to perfection.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts! Your mother was so talented.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I think your bathroom looks great. I would definitely never hire that guy again. That is outrageous to leave you hanging like that. At least the job will eventually get done, and you learned a lesson.

I completely understand how you felt at your mother’s place. The day after I lost my dad I went downstairs and he had a shirt spread out on the ironing board to iron. That just did me in. I still think about that shirt. That scene is burned on my brain.

Anonymous said...

Those quilts are beautiful. Your mother was very talented. What a wonderful legacy she is leaving your entire family.