Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday menus #46

One of the things I dread the most is going to Mother's house one last time and cleaning it out.  For good.  Dividing it all up has the potential of being both painful and stressful.
On the one hand, the quilts are treasured heirlooms.
On the other, they are beautiful burdens.
I am ready for the distraction of the holidays, how about you?

Monday - Crockpot boneless pork ribs, mashed potatoes, carrots
Tuesday - Market Spice Bowl, Cava style (rice, romaine, pickled red onion, tzatziki, corn, cucumber, yellow bell pepper, falafel, garlic dressing) {seal the bathroom grout in both bathrooms}
Wednesday - Chicken Francaise, (freezer) twice bakeds, rest of the rice, greens {cleaning out my pantry in advance of the holidays, painting the trim in both bathrooms}
Thursday - Smash Burger, melon, chips {taking myself to this moviegrocery shopping for Thanksgiving}
Friday - Skillet Tilapia, zucchini {payday, do errands, decorating my bedroom for Christmas}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


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