Friday, November 10, 2023

5 thing Friday - skinny tree, Thanksgiving prep, cinna dough, giving up habits, Rad Tech Week

 I bought a skinny Christmas tree for my bedroom - I have always wanted one and had no luck finding one at a thrift store.  So I just ordered off Amazon.
Its almost too skinny...
It came with just a few lights, which I like.  I think I will give it a wintry theme with crochet snowflakes, little birds, and a ribbon and berry spray topper.
I am done with buying 99% of Christmas.  (Before you go getting all shocked, let me tell you that I am buying for four people only.)  I followed the "something you want/need/wear/read" formula for my peeps and I think I did a good job!  I bought four gift totes and tissue and all I have left to get is some wide ribbon.  I have plenty o' tags. I stuck to a budget and got it done.  Now I can focus on deciding how to spend some stress-free holiday down time.
I was going to press the easy button on Thanksgiving, but my hours at work changed, so since I will be able to enjoy part of the day at home, I decided to go ahead and roast a turkey, make my own gravy and cranberry sauce, and fix the dressing from scratch.  I know I will have at least three of my peeps here for a late lunch.  The rest of the menu is fairly straightforward: mashed sweet potatoes, seasoned green beans, and a brownie tray for dessert!
I haven't made cinnamon dough ornaments in ages, so I ordered some new cookie cutters and mixed up a batch of the dough.  I don't add anything but unsweet applesauce and cinnamon and I set them on a cookie sheet to dry for days.  I poked holes in most of them, intending for them to be ornaments or package tie on's.  Bonus: my kitchen smells very festive.
What possessed me to buy peppermint mocha out of ten stars.  Mint cancels out coffee and tastes like someone spit toothpaste into your cup.
I guess I should really stop with the creamer altogether.
My life just three short years ago looked so different than it does today.  And as time goes by, I find I am one by one dropping some of the things that Mark and I were so into.  No more wine clubs, no more writing for the wine blog, no need for all of these glasses as I am drinking far less wine.  Someone from the Buy Nothing group came and collected them and it didn't make me feel all that sad.
Happy Rad Tech Week!
My boss gave us sussies, has games and an activity or two planned, and ordered food for us several days this week, including the weekend.  (something my old boss could have cared less about)
There's a week for every aspect of hospital life now.  Time we can recognize and celebrate the fact that we are all still here in our chosen professions.  Go us!



Kim said...

Love the skinny bedroom tree and your gift giving theme. Sounds like you're getting a jump on the holidays...I can smell those ornaments from here!

Joni said...

I doubled over in laughter with the mint creamer description. I made that mistake last year and ended up using it in my brownies w/peppermint fudge ganache recipe. I made 4 half sheets of the brownies, donated them all to the church holiday bazaar. They sold! I only like mint in my mint choc chip ice cream, just saying. I am so happy that you get to share a bit of the holiday with the kids. I always choose to work holiday shifts because my family is so scattered and I enjoy taking a full spread to the nurses lounge. My mentor started that 30 years ago and I have followed her footsteps.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I have always been curious about those cinnamon ornaments, but never made any. I imagine during the process the house smells wonderful. Does the fragrance last when they’re on the tree? I do have cinnamon essential oil that I could add to boost things if you think that would

Karen Cook said...

Love your skinny tree. Especially the pine cones! I feel for you having to go thru your mom’s things. Man, the last two years have been rough ones for you. I’m so sorry. If I were there I’d give you a huge bear hug. I’ve pared down my own things three times in the last 10 years but need to do it again. I feel sorry for my family having to do that with my things when the time comes. Hope that will be a while, but being 77 now, could be any day. God bless you, Sis. Love, Karen