Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday menus #19

Twice last week I ate out - fast food - after work.
In my defense I was tired, cranky, hungry, and just need to eat and get to bed. 
I need to do better about packing large enough lunches and plenty of snacks on those days.  That way, if I'm still a little hungry (as opposed to ravenous) I can make do with a bowl of mini wheats.

Monday - kitchen closed {ok, on this day I am getting take-out for dinner, just not a burger!}
Tuesday - (homemade) Shake and Bake Chicken, pan sauteed okra, corn {a little yardwork, buy groceries}
Wednesday - Tamales, refried beans, salad with cucumber and red onion {misc. chores}
Thursday - Roast with carrots and onions, (freezer) mashed potatoes {on call tonight}
Friday - Ginger Garlic Tilapia, the rest of the okra, (freezer) avocado rice {visiting a winery!}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed



Joanne said...

It sounds like a delicious week!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Never apologize for wanting fast food. Sometimes, the stomach wants what the stomach wants. :-)