Monday, May 1, 2023

Monday menus #18

When that feeling of "I'm stuck and don't know how to un-stick myself" happens, I leave the house for a bit.  Doing an errand or eating lunch out helps me re-focus.
As it did last Sunday when I made my way to H-Mart and had a Korean dog and some noodles.  It was fun to walk around the store, too. So many things to look at!

Monday - kitchen closed {work}
Tuesday - Chicken Tacos, charro beans, salad
Wednesday - Linguini and Meatsauce, kale
Thursday - Rosemary Lemon Tilapia, chopped salad {possibly a trip to Brenham}
Friday - Smothered Pork Chops, (freezer) mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts {pick up my wines at Perissos and check on Highlands}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed {work}


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