Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas crafting?

I wanted to make everyone a homemade gift for Christmas, but I feel I will fall short on that.  I did have a special something made for each of my peeps, and hope they will find it heartwarming {can't spill the beans on that since I don't know who might read this!}
When we were at the Christmas Affair, I took a couple of photos of things I could easily make, but would any of my peeps really find them useful?  The Cricut sits next to my desk, gathering dust.  I have seen so many cute ideas I could replicate...not to mention, things I could sew or food gifts I could put together.   I just haven't figured out the what and the when.
Aside from the joy that comes from creating something, I want it to be something they would keep and maybe find sentimental.  But I have left it pretty late in the year...Hubby passing really threw off my plans, to day the least.  I might have to settle for working on my own ideas for next Christmas.  I want to give myself plenty of grace - I am making my way through this season as best I can and trying to be intentional about the gifts I choose.  I hate the last minute aspect of it, and there's no shame in telling myself "next year, Gina".
Stay tuned, tho - I might surprise myself.



evelynthayer said...

Is the Christmas Affair still amazing? It was my favorite event of the Year. So much inspiration from all those creative people. I hope you can find time for being creative :)
Take care <3

Kim said...

I know exactly what you mean. I adore crafting for Christmas, but if it's going to be a gift, I want it to be useful and that's not always an easy combo. So far, I seem to lean towards ornaments, predictable, but at least they're used once a year! Hugs...

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

You need to give yourself a break this year. First holidays without someone are the worst! Truth be told, I think I should work on Christmas things in the heat of the summer. In July, when it’s too hot to do anything, is when I should be working on gifts, Christmas cards, and the like. I could go slowly, and intentionally with each thing and not stress myself out. I may take my own advice in 2022.