Friday, October 2, 2020

Re-set Day

 I've been draggin' my heels in the mornings, not wanting to pry myself away from my computer and just get started on the day.  I always think "I could get dressed right now and swing by Dollar Tree or the thrift store on my way to work".  Then, I don't do it.  As late as 8 a.m.,  I finally make myself get started on the things I need to get done around the house before time to take a shower.  Some days, 2 hours doesn't really cut it.  I make myself breakfast and I sit there, admiring how clean and pretty everything is and just wish I could spend the next 8 hours on some thing I really want to do, instead of getting into my car and heading to work.  I know that sounds bratty, but I miss having a full five days that stretch in front of me with lots of time to not only do all of the things I have to do, but some creative things as well.  At the same time, I am grateful that Hubby and I have weekends together after so many years of working the exact opposite schedule.

But yesterday, my supervisor said that not only could I leave a few hours early to start our anniversary weekend, but I could actually take the whole day off!  Now I can pack a few more things into my morning that I want to do before we leave for Highlands, including buying a jumper pattern for some beautiful fabric my mother gave me, and getting my nails done!  Will I also squeeze in my chores tomorrow?  Yes, because I love coming home to a clean home, ready to start the workweek.  But just knowing I won't be back at work until Tuesday feels huge to me, like a real re-set, even though we aren't going all that far from home this weekend.  And we will make the most of our stay-at-home anniversary this year.  
Happy Weekend to you, and I'm hoping that you get to hit the re-set button, too!


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