Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Weekend re-cap: STW, Fiesta, Highlands, Perissos

 It was a laid-back weekend for sure - no big projects at Highlands!  We were up reasonably early on Saturday so we headed to a favorite Mexican restaurant for breakfast.  After putseying around Highlands a bit, we headed to Save the World in Marble Falls.
We enjoyed a beer they brew with the grape skins from harvest at one of our favorite wineries.  We met a couple of colorful characters that kept us entertained for a while, including the chef of the food truck who treated Hubby to some chili cheese nachos, and an older gentleman who shared our table and admired our beer glass decals.
Then we headed to Fiesta in Lometa to listen to some rocking harp music (wait, what?) and help them celebrate their 10 year winery anniversary. 
{in Lampasas we saw these cool 50's cars!} 
We enjoyed some cream cheese with raspberry chipotle sauce along with our gold medal winning 2018 Sangiovese.  We chatted with the owner, listened to music, and headed home shortly before sunset.  Both of us were worn out and while we know it wasn't a great idea, we had a cheeseburger for dinner and split some onion rings.  Free choice Saturdays - yes, please.
The next morning I parked myself in the yard with my coffee while Hubby made Mountain Man in the Dutch oven.
The morning views were sweet.
The only critters I saw was one lone female deer, and someone's black cat who regularly visits the top of our hill.  All was quiet and very peaceful.
Mountain Man is ground pork sausage, hash browns, cheddar cheese, and eggs. {apparently the weekend theme was cheese} There was enough leftover to take home for dinner.  After breakfast we hung some tiny white lights under the barn roof, and did some laying around in chairs until around 2 p.m. then showered and headed to Perissos for the wine club pick-up.
The food (BBQ Pulled Pork sammies, potato salad, beans, and cookies) and music (Spicy Loops) were delightful, not to mention all of the wine we sampled and a 2017 Racker's Blend as we sat amongst the vines.  What a gorgeous afternoon!
We have never had a bad experience at this winery and the pick-up parties are fabulous!  They have the whole process down to an art from the time you check in, to each station in the "sip and stroll", to the final pick up of your wines. We headed back to Highlands for the afternoon and left for Austin just after sunset.  And *BLINK*,  the weekend ended.


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