Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday menus #106

Shutterfly keeps sending me freebies, so I oblige them. 
A beautiful photo that Scout took years ago on a campout became a mousepad for my shared desk at work.  When I'm not there, my hope is that my co-workers feel inspired by it as well!

Monday - kitchen closed {freebie chicken nuggets and kale salad from Chik-Fil-A!}
Tuesday - Rudy's Brisket Sammie, coleslaw (buy enough brisket for two meals) {telehealth appt.}
Wednesday - Italian Chicken and Rice (two meals), green beans {meet with dietician}
Thursday - Brisket Salad with spring mix, purple onion, tomato, jalapenos, pickles, and lo-cal Ranch
Friday - (leftover) Italian Chicken and Rice, broccoli {Scout moving to new apartment!}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed  {Happy Birthday, Firstborn!}


1 comment:

Joanne said...

That is a lovely mousepad! You have a delicious sounding meal plan for the week.