Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Weekend re-cap: beer, firepit, Mexican food, home

Hubby and I have a plan to have fun on the weekends. This last weekend we enjoyed dinner and a movie {The Invention of Lying} at home on Friday night.  On Saturday morning we headed to Marble Falls. 
We enjoyed a fish lunch at Captain D's, followed by the Cherry Scotch Ale release at Save the World.  Truthfully, we could have stayed there all afternoon, playing dice games but we were looking for relaxation, not crowds, and the allure of the firepit at Highlands beckoned. 
We hung out until dark, then headed home to have leftover meatball soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, which were both delightful.  And after that we crashed!
The next day we had lunch at Tex Mex at Rosie's Tamale House. Afterwards, we stopped by Family Business and drank a beer out in their shady yard, listening to live music and playing cards.  Then we headed home around 5 to let Teddy out and enjoy dinner.  I estimate that we spent a little less than $70 for the weekend, and I am sure that we will have no problem finding fun on future weekends for less!


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