Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Checking in on Mom

A week ago I took a day off to see my mother in Brenham. 
 I'm happy to say that we got everything on her list done!
 When we bought chicken feed, she also picked out some onions to plant.  It take it as a good sign that she feels well enough and can see well enough to be interested in her garden.  Between that and quilting she has creative outlets.
 Even if I worry how she interacts with people sometimes, she managed to be reasonable to most of the people we met that day - she can be rather frank and short-tempered with people.
We enjoyed a lunch of ranch style beans with sausage, sliced BBQ pork shoulder, chips, cokes, and Oreos - all treats that she wouldn't normally eat - in her sunny kitchen.  I was happy to spend the day with her, returning to Austin mid-afternoon.  Taking it one visit at a time, always hoping for peace and comfort for her, and asking for a little piece of mind for myself that she is faring OK. 


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