Monday, April 29, 2019

Mealplan Monday #243

I spy...
Its one of my mother's chickens...

- Rosemary Garlic Chicken, smashed reds, Chik-Fil-A Copycat SuperFood Salad

Tuesday - White beans in the crockpot with ham
Wednesday - Tuna Salad on whole wheat, fresh fruit, carrots and celery
Thursday - Pork Ribs in the crockpot, corn on the cob, baked sweet potatoes
Friday - Honey Lime Chicken Soft Tacos (sans cream), taco fixings, beans
Saturday - YOYO
Sunday - Mom and Dad will pick up


Friday, April 26, 2019

5 thing Friday - DNA, lists, blackberry vines, Flat Stanley, Georgetown Winery

Hubby bought us DNA tests for Christmas and while the results weren't all that exciting for me, they were interesting.  Since I only have one parent (mother) left and I would love to know where all that Scottish/Irish/Welsh (not to mention Central American) comes from I asked her if we could test her.
She said yes.  So I ordered a kit and took it up to Brenham on Good Friday to add it to our To-Do list.
I also filled out a refrigerator card that lists all of her pertinent info and doctor's numbers.  We got everything on the list done, plus we ate sammies and chips, and even worked in the yard a bit.  Afterwards we enjoyed some ice cream and I was on my way.  I think it wore her out, but in a good way.
(She's not crying here - she has allergies!)  We admired the berry vines that we transplanted last month.  It was a monster task but apparently they love their new home.
I'm sure she will eat them as jam or over ice cream.
When I cleaned out her truck, looking for the spare set of keys she misplaced, I didn't find them but I did find Flat Stanley.  If you have little kiddoes, you probably already know the story.  This rode around in her truck for THIRTEEN YEARS.  Bubbie made it in kindergarten and mailed it to her. Now he lives on her refrigerator.  
Hubby and I visited Georgetown Winery on Saturday afternoon.  They are the same owners of Thirsty Mule Winery in Liberty Hill, but we found we actually prefer the wine here.
We enjoyed a cab blend while we listened to live music.  It was a cute place, the people were friendly, and we had fun.   I loved the square in Georgetown and I can't believe we've never been there before.  I would love to explore all of the shops and eat at one of the restaurants. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Decadent Carrot Cake

Have you ever heard of The Cake Mix Doctor?  When the kids were little and they did those book fairs at the elementary and middle school, I used to see her cookbooks there and leaf through them fascinated at her creativity.  She would take a plain cake mix, "doctor" it up, and make it seem homemade.  I thought it was genius and I often added a bit of this or that to cakes I made for birthdays and holidays.
Fast forward to Easter and this is what I made for dessert:
I took a Dunkin-Hines Decadent Carrot Cake Mix (which I don't even see on their website anymore) and added a can of pineapple tidbits with all of its juice instead of the extra water that you soak the carrots and raisins in.  I baked it in a Bundt pan for about 35 minutes, then when it was cooled, I frosted it with:

Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting
1/2 stick soft butter
One 8 oz block softened cream cheese
2 c. powdered sugar
2 T Hershey's caramel sauce
1 t vanilla
pinch of sea salt

I creamed all of that together and slathered it on the cake.  Then I drizzled on more caramel sauce, just because!  I toasted some Texas native pecans my mother gave me in a small skillet and when they were cooled I sprinkled them on the top.  Oh. My. Word.
Quite possibly the moistest, richest carrot cake I have ever had and YES, the leftovers went into the freezer for a sweet treat for us in the future.  
Do you cake doctor, too?


Monday, April 22, 2019

Mealplan Monday #242

- Mediterranean Chicken, couscous, spinach salad

Tuesday - (freezer) Bean Soup Crockpot with Cranberry Pork Sausages, corn muffins
Wednesday - Salmon, brussels sprouts with carrots
Thursday - Meatballs and brown rice skillet with asparagus
Friday - Ham and Swiss grilled cheese on multigrain bread, red bell pepper strips
Saturday - YOYO
Sunday - Mom and Dad will pick up on way home


Friday, April 19, 2019

Another campus visit: SHSU

We arrived at Sam Houston State in Huntsville on Wednesday morning about 5 minutes before our tour was scheduled to start.  Talk about cutting it close!  And I know I shouldn't be comparing it to Aggieland, but of course, I did. 
The tour itself was so sparsely attended - us, and four other students, one of whom was a grad student, the others were high schoolers.
Our tour guide was very nice and the campus is pretty.  But, Electrical Engineering is just a foot note to the main areas of study that this university focuses on:  mainly criminal justice and teaching.  There was one engineering building.   And we didn't go within 100 yards of it.
There is virtually no on-campus housing for anyone but freshmen.  Also, see how empty the campus appears?  In fact, it is so small and empty that the tour guide could pick out individual students around campus that he recognized
He told us that many students attend part-time or on-line.  
We briefly saw the oldest building on campus.  Toured the CJ building, walked for miles.  We got a recommendation for a place to eat near campus and it turned out to be more like a bar with a bunch of middle age men sitting around drinking cocktails.  Also weird:  large chickens roaming and scratching on part of the campus by a busy road, including a rooster who crowed every few minutes.
I tried hard to envision this campus as a quiet place for serious minded people to further their education, but I also saw it as isolated and forgotten in the state's university system.
While I think its good for Bubbie to see both types of campuses, it really was a wasted effort.  I really don't see him being happy here, and he didn't seem jazzed about it.  It actually does make a difference where you get your degree.   And more than ever, I want to help him focus on getting to where he dreams of being.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Weekend re-cap: Sunday Wineday Funday

Last weekend wore us out in a good way, but still...
While Saturday was all about the Bluebonnet Festival in Burnet, Sunday was all about "exploring".  Saturday's weather was rainy and windy and cold.  But when Sunday dawned, we saw beautiful skies at Highlands and decided to hit the road. First stop: the annual wine club picnic at Torr Na Lochs.
 The property is huge and full of trees and you couldn't have asked for better weather.
They served us the newly bottled Montepulciano along with lunch, and gave us a sneak pour of their new Sangiovese Rose.  The wine flowed and everyone looked relaxed and happy.  And I can't say enough good things about the owners, Blake and Karen - they are gracious and friendly and love to talk all things wine.
The tables were set out in wide open spaces.  We had a nice gentleman in his 70's for our tablemate who says he helped develop the first MRI tube.  He told us all about his travels in the US and Europe with his wife, and we discussed wine in general. 
 It was such a fun lunch at one of our favorite wineries! {have you noticed that  Hubby really really loves that hat and that red shirt? }

The next stop was a winery in Stonewall I had been wanting to visit - Ab Astris 

The wine was wonderful and I regret that I didn't let Hubby talk me into a tasting or bottle -  I had a glass of the tannat and he had the bordeaux blend.  The owner was very friendly (as most winemakers are).  We will definitely return!
 Next stop was also close by in Stonewall - Woodrose Winery.  The winemakers, Mike and Linda, have you sit on their shady and beautiful deck while they bring wines out for your tasting. 
We loved all of them but settled on a Tempranillo and a cheese plate, sitting there the rest of the afternoon admiring the hummingbirds at a couple of feeders, and petting their Golden Retrievers.  I should have gotten a pic of those dogs, they were the size of cows!  We returned home around 6 pm and made enchiladas, beans, and sauteed peppers and onions and then I was done for the weekend. Two full days that seem to go by so fast.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Mealplan Monday #241

Texas Paintbrush

Monday - Spanish Style Chicken Cubes, broccoli, couscous
Tuesday - Pintos with brisket bits, corn muffins
Wednesday - Pan Fried Trout, asparagus
Thursday - Lean Beef Patty with sauteed mushrooms, baby red potatoes and green beans
Friday - Turkey and Swiss on whole grain bread, sliced tomato and avocado, fruit
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - Roast Tenderloin, Confetti Potatoes, steamed carrots, green bean casserole, rolls, dessert is yet TBD


Friday, April 12, 2019

5 thing Friday - tacos, groceries, squirrel, gardening, bluebonnets

One day last week - I think it was the day I raked up 10 bags of leaves in the front - I took myself to Torchy's for lunch.
I like tacos a lot and I'm not going to say this is my favorite place but their barbacoa taco (the Democrat) was amazing!  However, it was on the pricey side for lunch, so its something I don't do too often.
Even with careful meal planning and list making I still end up at the grocery store one extra time per week.  There are only 3 of us at home.  Where does all the food go?
 A stealth ninja squirrel on the stairwell wall at the hospital.
 I managed to kill the potted plants I had in the garage.  We won't go into the grisly details.  But I bought a few more to replant in my terra cotta pots.
Yellow lantana - I went to several places to find it!  I love it because its deer resistant, doesn't mind drought, and attracts butterflies and bees.  Plus, you just cannot kill it. Here it sits in a laundry basket by the garage, waiting to be planted.
One of the treasures we found at Highlands was this cast iron pot thingy that I filled with potting soil and lantana and set by the pumphouse. Previously it had a tree growing out of it!  I think its much prettier now.  We also planted some underneath the Highlands sign and I will post that pic when I get it going strong.
 Baby blue 'bonnets!  I have never seen this pale shade.  I also found an all white one:
The hill at Highlands is covered, but the clouds are out and there's rain every weekend.  So my bluebonnet pics are rather gloomy.
But the whole place smells beautiful!


Monday, April 8, 2019

Mealplan Monday #240

- Greek Seasoned Chicken Breast Cubes, couscous, spinach salad with red onion and tomato

Tuesday - White beans and ham, corn muffins, onion and cilantro
Wednesday - Pesto Salmon, asparagus, leftover freezer mac and cheese if its still in there...
Thursday - Beef Posole Soup, leftover corn muffins
Friday - Mexican Style Chicken Thighs with onions and peppers, green and yellow zucchini
Saturday - Pulled Pork (freezer) on a big salad with avocado and green onion at Highlands
Sunday - Brunch at a favorite winery!  For dinner: Cheese Enchiladas, borracho beans, seasoned corn with red peppers and jalapeno

Though I liked getting the Imperfect Produce boxes, I started stewing over the cost of them and realizing that it was getting harder and harder to use it all up before it started going bad.  So I'm just going to load up the menus with a combo of fresh and frozen veggies in just the right quantities so I know I will use it up with no problem.  Plus, I think I just want to actually see and feel the produce I am buying, and I think I will start shopping for it at Sprouts like I used to.  


Monday, April 1, 2019

Mealplan Monday #239

- Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast Cubes, seasoned carrots, butter beans

Tuesday - (freezer) Pintos with Ham, onions with cilantro
Wednesday - Skillet Tilapia, kale and turnips*, maybe some leftover mac and cheese from Sunday
Thursday - Taco Quinoa Skillet, with chopped onion, jalapenos, cilantro
Friday - Grilled Chicken Salad with Greek dressing, cucumber and tomato
Saturday - YOYO (But Hubby wants to seek out crawfish!)
Sunday - Quiche, Broccoli Raisin Salad, skillet red potatoes
*Recently I discovered that a peeled and diced turnip added to some chopped fresh kale or other greens, seasoned up and cooked slowly in a small pot, makes a delicious side dish!
