Monday, April 8, 2019

Mealplan Monday #240

- Greek Seasoned Chicken Breast Cubes, couscous, spinach salad with red onion and tomato

Tuesday - White beans and ham, corn muffins, onion and cilantro
Wednesday - Pesto Salmon, asparagus, leftover freezer mac and cheese if its still in there...
Thursday - Beef Posole Soup, leftover corn muffins
Friday - Mexican Style Chicken Thighs with onions and peppers, green and yellow zucchini
Saturday - Pulled Pork (freezer) on a big salad with avocado and green onion at Highlands
Sunday - Brunch at a favorite winery!  For dinner: Cheese Enchiladas, borracho beans, seasoned corn with red peppers and jalapeno

Though I liked getting the Imperfect Produce boxes, I started stewing over the cost of them and realizing that it was getting harder and harder to use it all up before it started going bad.  So I'm just going to load up the menus with a combo of fresh and frozen veggies in just the right quantities so I know I will use it up with no problem.  Plus, I think I just want to actually see and feel the produce I am buying, and I think I will start shopping for it at Sprouts like I used to.  


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