Monday, January 2, 2017

What the week holds, and Eagle Scout

Bubbie worked diligently towards getting all of the requirements done for his Eagle badge and we are 99.9% sure he is completely finished.

His project, creating a basketball/foursquare court at the church

 Hubby made conference calls, ran paperwork to various places for signatures, left messages, patiently explained things.  At one point I asked "Isn't everyone pulling for this young man who has worked hard to complete everything we asked of him?"  Getting everyone on the same page before the deadline was an exercise in frustration, but we think he has met all of the requirements and now we wait to hear.  This week school starts back up, I am working my regular hours, and Hubby goes back to work.  I have a long list of things to do around the house as well. The Girl takes another CPA exam this week, so please send good vibes her way.  And rumor has it that Firstborn will be moving into his new digs.  I think a happy hour for Hubby and I is in order, too.
What does your week look like?

P.S.  Not that this will change anyone's day, but when I get a chance, I am thinking of changing up the topics of things I post.  I kind of liked publishing meal plans and such...we'll see

1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

Will be praying for both your kiddos.