Monday, October 24, 2016

What the week holds, and scenes from a kitchen

It has been an early start to the day - a 3:30 a.m. trip to the airport took care of that - so I am actually getting a Monday post done early.  In a perfect world I would be able to catalog the week in advance and be organized enough to blog early, but most days, it ain't happening.
 This past weekend, Hubby and Firstborn went out to the Burnet property to do some work, and camp.  Scout was in a wedding, and worked.  So that left Bubbie to his own devices, which included making caramel apples.  I need to get that guy into the kitchen more often!
And speaking of the kitchen, here is the day prep I left for him:  breakfast and lunch in the oven set to be ready at 6:30 with some other items bagged for him to pack, and a note reminding him to get a back-up ride from school tonight as I am on call. This week Hubby is traveling, Bubbie has band and scouts on Monday {so he will be tired and super hungry by the time I feed him dinner}, a UIL competition for band on Tuesday, and more practice on Wednesday.  I have physical therapy on Thursday, and much to catch up on around the house.  I pick up Hubby on Friday afternoon and we go straight to presentation of letter jackets for the seniors at the band hall, then off to the football game where seniors and their parents are honored.  There is more band competition on Saturday, in there somewhere I need to continue work on the backyard and go see my mother who is back home in Brenham. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this...
What does your week look like?


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