Monday, October 3, 2016

What the week holds, and Happy Anniversary!

A quote I read recently said that a spouse is someone who will stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you had stayed single.  Ha!
Cute young things, ca. 1982!
This week is mind boggling to me with all that I need to do.  Marching band practice for Bubbie all week with a game on Thursday, physical therapy for my elbow twice this week, Hubby in San Antonio for business for two days, our 31st wedding anniversary on Wednesday, driving to Georgetown to take my mothers some things she requested and feeding her a nice lunch, closing on the Burnet property on Friday. Whew!  Our plan is to stop by Torr Na Lochs on Friday after closing a buy a bottle of wine to celebrate with at our new place.  Still haven't named it so maybe we will do that, too!
What does your week look like?


1 comment:

Kim said...

Haha!! Great quote! Happy Anniversary! :)