Friday, December 15, 2023

5 thing Friday - ottoman, puzzle, firewood, outfit, illness

One day last week I decided I was tired of not being able to put my feet up while I read in the craftroom/office aka The Lounge. 
No one sits on the den couch at all, so I swiped the ottoman from in there, and using about $10 worth of upholstery fabric I fashioned a slipcover for it.
I think it looks better in person, you'll just have to trust me on this.
I found some of those upholstery twist pins in my stash and added them at the corners so the cover wouldn't shift around.  They work like a charm. (p.s. they will also keep your bed's dustruffle from shifting around)
With my lap blankie from The Girl I am all set to read.
On on of my trips to Goodwill recently, I found this fully intact, never used puzzle for $3.  It is now happily spread across my dining table and if I don't finish it by Christmas Day at lunch, oh well, we can eat somewhere else.
Priorities, people.
This firewood has been sitting on my patio for two winters and it was at Highlands before that.  Its too big for the firepit and a pain to split, so I put most of it out at the curb and a notice to my FB Buy Nothing Group who quickly carted it away.
Once the remaining wood is gone I will get rid of that big holder doo-dad and simply buy smaller logs from the grocery store whenever I want a fire.  Also, I will clean the rust stains from said holder off my patio.
I found a J. Jill shift dress for $5 at Goodwill and decided to wear some shoes I already have.  Christmas Eve church service outfit solved.
I have been battling sinusitis and a possible infection (as of this writing) and let me just say, I am neither dignified nor graceful as a sick person.  And there's nothing more effective than an illness to remind you that you are your own life raft.
Scout did bring me some herbal tea, tho.
Healthier days are coming!



wolfek said...

Hope you feel better soon. Have you ever tried a Neti Pot? It's helpful to me and my chronic sinus problems.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

The Ottoman looks fantastic! I find that I really quite enjoy putting my feet up as I get older. I bought firewood in October. I still haven’t had a fire. I haven’t even brought in one log to put in the fireplace. I will be changing that shortly as I plan to have my first fire Christmas Eve when I will be hosting company. I am so sorry to hear that you’re under the weather. The first time I got the flu on my own, I knew that I would never again go through a winter without chicken broth, mushroom broth, and chicken noodle soup in the freezer. I also found I quite enjoyed Taco soup. I was too exhausted to cook, but I was able to microwave one of those single size containers to have soup every day. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?

Kim said...

Love the ottoman cover. I slipcovered one once and it was not easy. I hope you feel better. Being sick stinks.