Monday, September 4, 2023

Monday menus #36

I realize I still haven't talked about what's going on with my mom on this blog.
 I feel like I have a lot of unhappy things to say about how August played out. 
Its been a rough few weeks.  I am trying to compartmentalize it and do a good job of not sinking.  I am taking care of my home, buying groceries and fixing meals, paying bills, trying to do my own job of mothering.  But its a very heavy time.

Monday - (freezer) Pulled Pork Sammies, fritos {Happy Labor Day, work my regular shift today}
Tuesday - Chicken Fajita Tacos, refrieds {visit mom}
Wednesday - Sausage and Bean Skillet with O&P {on call, go to Brenham}
Thursday - Thai Chicken Noodles, broccoli {visit mom, work on the garage yet again}
Friday - Crockpot Ribs, sweet potatoes, salad {change air filters, catch up items at home}
Saturday - Bubbie cook {maybe beef stir fry}
Sunday - kitchen closed


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