Monday, April 10, 2023

Monday menus #15

 The Beefy Bean burritos from last week were a hit.  Cooked ground beef, my crockpot freezer pintos mashed up, monterrey jack cheese, an assortment of seasonings, folded up into a burrito tortilla and fried on all sides until crisp.  It really hit the spot!

Monday - Cheesy Garlic French Bread Pizzas ( Italian Sausage, mushrooms, onion, mozzarella) {Bulk pick-up this week! Slowly but surely, I am getting the garage in order!}
Tuesday - Grabbing dinner out because I have an activity with the Beer Necessities ladies here 
Wednesday - Fish Tacos (Tilapia, finely shredded cabbage, salsa, shredded monterrey jack), creamy corn {grocery shopping day, open house at the new hospital}
Thursday - Parmesan Bowtie Skillet (use the rest of the Italian sausage and the shredded cheese) 
Friday - Korma Chicken, rice, zucchini {my last day at the old hospital before I start my job at the new hospital!}
Saturday and Sunday - KITCHEN CLOSED*

*How will I eat on Kitchen Closed days?  I will have plenty of things on hand to make sandwiches, plus whatever freezer leftovers there are.  And a lot of the lunches I am used to taking already - like Albacore tuna in oil over a crispy salad with crackers on the side.  


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