Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday menus #11

 Does anyone else out there feel like its suddenly spring?  Here in Central Texas we had two or three freezes, one ice storm, then BOOM...spring is here.
I read a meme recently that basically said you are OLD when you start crabbing about the weather and how fast the seasons change!  Yep, that's me.

Monday - Dr. Martin's Mix, garlic toast
TuesdayLemon Garlic Tilapia, mac and cheese, the rest of the kale
WednesdayChicken thighs with baby potatoes and carrots, salad
Thursday - Pizza with rest of salad
Friday - Crockpot Irish Stew, garlic toast {going to Brenham}
Saturday - TBD {kitchen closed, yardwork day}
Sunday - Glazed Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans {check on Highlands}



wolfek said...

Love the bunny! Is he an older piece? Freezing here in Alabama for the next few days. Have a good week.

Kim said...

It was so warm here all winter and now we've been getting snow. I definitely fall into the complaining about the weather age bracket, too! Hahaha!

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I find it shocking how fast the time goes. It really seems like a race to the end that I’m losing. What is Dr. Martin’s Mix?

Wendy said...

Hi there. We are living parallel lives. I'm 57 and a working professional. Husband passed away last July. Learning to live after 42 years together. Daughter (33) just moved back in with me after selling her house at the height of the real estate boom (I think more because she doesn't want me to be alone). She flips houses, so this isn't the prime time to buy her next flip.

I appreciate your blog and your openness to share.