Friday, March 17, 2023

5 thing Friday - landscaping work, plant babies, Scout, birthday plans, lemon pie

 I took Monday off instead of today, as planned.  I had not done yard work in months, and it showed.  Something always seemed to come up - weather, being on call, going to Brenham or Highlands, etc.
I started by hand pulling as many weeds as I could in the backyard.
Then I edged, mowed, trimmed the backyard lariope and fig tree...
cleaned out the front landscaping and planted a new shrub, trimmed my crepe myrtle, raked, mowed, edged...
bagged leaves and debris, blew the sidewalk and driveway off, then stored all of my tools and called it good enough for now.  I still have lots to do, but Rome wasn't built in a day, ya know.
I also planted a couple of plant babies in the kitchen window.  After the oaks stop dropping pollen and those little crackly things, I will move some of them back outside.  I love this tiny fern!
Speaking of moving...
I can't go into details here, but Scout is back home.
Sometimes life doesn't turn out like we planned, sadly.  But I am happy I can offer him a safe and loving place to rebuild.  No one ever tells you how hard it is to parent adults, do they?
I bought my mother a rose bush for her 93rd birthday.  It says something about her that she believes she will live to see this bush planted and thriving, at the house she intends to stay in.  Who am I to rain on her parade?  Let her enjoy what time she has left, while she looks forward to the promise of spring.
I'm also making her a pie to go with our pizza party lunch.  I don't know if I ever posted this, but it makes a wonderful lemon pie.  You put everything (except the crust) into a food processor and blend until thick, pour into the crust, then bake at 350 for 40 minutes.  Chill for two hours. Serve with Cool Whip and a smile.
Even she loves it and she's a blue ribbon winner for her lemon merengue pie from the South Plains Fair, way back in the 60's. So there. 
Happy St. Pat's!


1 comment:

Joanne said...

That sounds like a lot of yardwork-- and your yard looks lovely! I love that your mom wanted a rose bush and I hope she gets to enjoy it for many years to come.