Monday, December 26, 2022

Empty Nest menu #151*

 Happy day after Christmas!

Monday - Pizza! Romaine salad
Tuesday - Freezer meal {I work 1230-9 p.m.}  Might get a burger for lunch, we'll see
Wednesday - TBD, visiting my mother in Brenham
Thursday - Tilapia with salad, a veggie (maybe chick peas?) {pay Bubbie's tuition}
Friday - Steak, baked potato, salad
Saturday - TBD {time spent filling "my year in review" from this lady}
Sunday - Swedish Ham Balls, Cabbage, black eyed peas, rolls {this New Year's Day menu never changes!}

*I think I shall come up with a new name for menus!



Cathy W said...

Hope you had a nice Christmas with your kids.

What are Ham Balls?

Gina said...

Cathy - I added the link to the recipe! We love them (:

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Thanks for linking the ham ball recipe. I have a lot of ham left over from a luncheon that didn’t happen, so I am definitely going to be trying these. I love almost any type of meatball, so I’m looking forward to these, Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for a fantastic 2023!