Monday, December 19, 2022

Empty Nest menu #150

Bubbie's first birthday portrait - what a cutie pie

Twenty-four years ago we celebrated the arrival of our last Cannary baby - on Christmas Day.  What a great Christmas that was!  Sometimes when I feel sad at all I have lost, I think about the treasures I still have in my life and heart, and it makes me smile, and fills me with gratitude.

Monday - Chicken Taco Baked Potato 
Tuesday - Bean and Sausage Pot with onions and bell pepper, garlic toast
Wednesday - Freezer Meal Surprise
Thursday - B$tard BBQ, mashed potatoes, broccoli
Friday - Takeout! 
Saturday - Snakatizers and Autumn Sangria
Sunday - Spiral Sliced Ham, Barefoot Contessa Overnight Mac and Cheese, Arkansas Green Beans, Cherry Fudge Cake {Happy Birthday, Grayson!}


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My oldest son was born in June 1998. Where has the time gone? I’m an empty nester with a 21-year-old college senior. They live 2.5 hrs away, and I miss them so much. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to the empty nest! Your menu looks good; happy holidays!