Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Blueberry Cake

Within the space of a month (more or less) we have three family birthdays:  Bubbie, Firstborn, and Hubby.  It always makes me want to dive into my recipe archives and find one of the oldie but goodies I inherited from my late MIL, the quintessential 50's housewife.  Case in point is this icebox pie called "Blueberry Cake".  Firstborn requested something with blueberries so I immediately thought of it:

A piece of it makes for a delightful breakfast on a Monday morning, b t dubs...
The card is old and yellowed and may have food splatters on it, but I treasure it!  Here is the readable version:

Blueberry Cake
Preheat the oven to 350.
Crust:  2 c. graham cracker crumbs, 1/2 c. powdered sugar, 1/2 c. nuts, 1 stick melted butter.  Blend all ingredients up in your food processor and press into a 13x9 glass baking dish.  Rinse out the food processor bowl.
Filling:  8 oz package cream cheese, 1 cup regular sugar, 2 eggs, 2 t. fresh lemon juice.  Blend all of that up in the food processor and pour over the crust.  Place in oven and bake 20 minutes.
Let cool, then top with one can of blueberry pie filling and 1 tub of Cool Whip.  (my late MIL used Dream Whip which you can totally do, but Cool Whip is so much easier)  Chill a couple of hours in the frid
 You can add more butter if you want the crust to be less crumbly.  I used two sleeves of graham crackers, which might have made a tad more than 2 cups of crumbs.
Cooling from the oven it smells so good!
It was hard not to dive in at this point!  Now we are ready to celebrate Firstborn's birthday!  Hubby grilled pork ribs and jalapeno poppers, I made a huge crockpot of chili beans and some homemade potato salad.  Everything was so good and we sent plenty of leftovers home with our peeps.
I added extra blueberries to my Blueberry Cake and a thought occurred to me - I bet you could make this with just about any canned pie filling.  Cherry would be so good!  I'm hoping Firstborn will visit this week and eat the rest of it to keep me from temptation.


1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow, that looks good. And Happy Birthday to all!