Friday, January 10, 2020

5 thing Friday - Teddy, weather, poinsettia, healthy foods, home

Teddy is here.
 During a rough week for me he has been a sweet friend.  I know The Girl misses him, and I can't wait for busy season to be over for her, but I am happy to help her, and having him be such a good doggie is just bonus. {dogs on beds - yes or no?}
The weather here can't decide if it is winter or spring, and we haven't used our Mexican blankets around the firepit nearly as much as I'd like.  But we have burned a lot of wood since we bought a load of firewood and enjoyed the firepit for both Thanksgiving and Christmas with our peeps.  In fact, last weekend Firstborn made a run to the store so we could enjoy S'mores.  That was fun!
My $1 poinsettia from HEB.  I am going to see how long I can keep it going.  Last year, we had two huge ones in the breakroom window at work that did well for the better part of the year.  I think someone finally took them and gave them a permanent home.
My healthy eating plan to help me with my cholesterol involves foods that I love anyway - sweet potatoes, tuna, bananas, blueberries, lentils, pistachios, dark chocolate, leafy greens, oatmeal.  I had gotten out of the habit of buying fresh veggies and have eaten more eggs, butter, red meat, salt, sugar, and bacon than I intended to.  But, the holidays are over and I am back on track.
My doctor tasked me with taking my BP three times a week.  I am still getting the hang of it, and am dismayed by my numbers, so I bought myself an arm  monitor that has Bluetooth connectivity to an app on my phone.  I can download the results to MyChart for my doc.  I haven't added in any extra exercise since I walk all day long on the job.
The house is back to pre-holiday simple.  I put the fiddle leaf in the den because I like how big it makes this space seem. This weekend is all about getting my yards cleaned up - the Wandering Jew needs to be cleaned up and the yards could use a rake pulled through them.  If the weather is mild, we may as well be outside.  Happy Weekend!


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