Friday, May 20, 2016

Thrifty wine bottle rack

I've been looking here and there for a wine rack - just something small for the counter.  It's amazing to me how much they cost!  HEB had a nice one that was around $20, but I couldn't bring myself to put it into the cart.  In fact, several places have pretty scoll-y black metals ones that would look great on the kitchen counter but for some reason I just could not part with the money for them.  Plus, they seemed to take up a lot of counter space.
So, when I saw this one at Salvation Army for $1.50?  Into my cart it went!  I didn't have to spray paint it and it fit perfectly in the little nook under the cabinet next to the cookbooks. Hubby fiddled with it to make sure it wasn't wobbly, and now it holds my stash of Driftwood wines.
I love wandering around the thrift store and finding something that is exactly what you wanted.
 Cheap thrills.
I also found a very pretty frame for a future cross stitch project, some notecards destined for more of Scout's photography, and a new to me book. 
 Happy Frugal Friday!


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