Monday, May 16, 2016

China dish pin holder

Years ago, I saw a Good Things idea in a MS magazine about gluing a strong magnet on the bottom of a pretty dish to make a place to put pins while you are sewing.  I have this china saucer that belonged to my grandmother.  

I'm not too sure about whether it matters, but it is a real piece of china.  Pretty thin, but if your magnet is strong enough, it should work with regular old glass or porcelain.
I bought two magnets for about $2 and some E6000 glue to keep with my crafting supplies.  
The E6000 glue says to let it cure for at least 72 hours so I glued it on Friday and set it by my machine.  I need a new sewing project for this week, so I'm sure it will be put to good use!  What does your week look like?


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