Sunday, December 12, 2010

My bargain baskets

 I got a deal on three fabric-lined wicker baskets at Joann Fabrics for $9.  One of them holds pine cones - which I love.  I have a garbage bag full of them from over the years.  One (not pictured) is holding the wish books for my people to look at and write their lists to Santa.
 And the largest one holds children's Christmas books.  This is a tradition I started long ago with my kids.  Each Christmas we add a new book or two to our collection.  When they were little, I would let them each pick one, and they would snuggle into my lap by the tree each night, and we'd read...I still put them out, because I love to remember those days...and someday I will read to grandchildren, just like I did with my own kids...
But for now they share a bookcase with the pine cones.

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