Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday menus #76

A couple year ago, a friend suggested these hanging crystals as a way to create tiny rainbows of happiness on the wall.  She said she recommended them as a mood booster. 
At each new season they land in a different part of the room, and whenever I walk into my bedroom and they are spread out over the wall, I pause and smile at them.  And now, I can recommend them, too!

Monday - freezer clean-out surprises because I am off today {catch up on leftover items to do from last week}
Tuesday - Curry Chicken Quinoa Bowl (seasoned chicken breast cubes, sweet potato, green bean, purple onion) {virtual doc appt early a.m., scrub deck today}
Wednesday - Teriyaki Salmon Salad Bowl (salmon, mango, avocado, romaine)
Thursday - Spanish Chicken and Beans with brown rice {seal the deck}
Friday - Mexican Pork for tacos (marinated pork, pico de gallo, monterrey jack cheese), corn off the cob {mow yards}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed



Joanne said...

I love your mini rainbows everywhere! Our weekly menu keeps getting pushed aside as new things keep making their way onto our calendar.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

I love that crystal idea. That would make me very happy. I need to do that in my office that, at the moment, is the most depressing room in the house. My fault, of course, because it’s a colossal mess and I’m the one who made it. When your kitchen is closed on the weekends, do you go out to eat, order in, or what?