Friday, June 14, 2024

5 thing Friday - books, tennies, stitchin', turquoise, fly trap

The Goodwill where I shop is tiny, but has such a good selection of all kinds of books.  And the people that work there are friendly.
Yesterday I spent $8 on four new-to-me books.  Two bucks a book is not terrible, especially for the ones that made it to a bestseller list.  I would rather read a paper book in my hands vs. using the Nook, or listening to a book on tape.  And it gets me out of the house, which is no small thing.
Turns out that my cheapie tennies (on the left) were to blame for some recent foot trouble.  The foot doctor recommended a few brands, but I had already ordered the Altras, and Amazon would not let me cancel the order.  I also have a pair of Brooks coming...  Might just keep both pair, dunno, will compare.  Its not like this is the last pair of tennies I will ever buy and a spare pair might be nice.
A sweet kit sent to me by a friend who loves to stitch.  I had the very small hoop in my stash, so it got a couple light coats of the gold spray paint and a ribbon from my trims box.  Might be time to make a few more to give as gifts.  I think this one is destined for The Girl's tree.
A couple of years ago, my mother was pestering me every time we talked, wanting to buy me a stained glass window.  I have just never been interested in owning one, and I have no place to put it.  I said "you know Mom, you could gift me the turquoise pendant I have never seen you wear".  She had no memory of it and at the time we couldn't find it in her jewelry box, which in hindsight, is odd.  But I did eventually come to own it and it reminds me of when I was 13 and OBSESSED with turquoise jewelry.  I wore it yesterday and thought of her, nothing new there.
What a gross photo...
The Season of Flies is upon us, and since I want to sit out on my patio without being swarmed I have refilled my fly jar and hung it nearby for the all the flies to come enjoy.  It smells like decomp, but within days is FULL of dead flies.  Refills are cheap.  I am a fan.



Anonymous said...

Hi Gina. Please give me the info on the fly jar. I missed it if you previously posted about it. Thanks!

Debbie, a reader in the Rio Grande Valley

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Is that top picture from your local Goodwill store? I have been in any number of Goodwill stores, and they all look as though they have been ransacked. As a consequence, I’ve never gone back. You’re fortunate to have one so well organized in your area. And, you’re right, two dollars a book is not bad.

Kim said...

Wow, that's quite a book selection at your thrift store. I thought it was a book shop. None of our goodwill shops ever have that many daughter would have a field day there!

mireille said...

We may need to put out our fly trap. I will remind my hubby this weekend as he usually grills then!

Joanne said...

So does your fly jar work with mosquitoes too?! Yay for new to you books. I love pouring over books at used bookstore shops.