Friday, June 28, 2024

5 thing Friday - meal prep, bowl dinners, smoothies, lawn care, photinia

Nothing much exciting around these parts lately.  Which is not a bad thing.  I am continuing to focus on healthy habits, so that's taken up most of my brain space.
On Friday mornings I food prep for the weekend.  I'm trying to add in some variety, but also keep it simple.  If I figure out the magic formula, I will report back!  Food prepping keeps me out of the hospital cafeteria, which is marginal quality and expensive.  It also keeps me from being so hungry at 8:30 p.m. that I can't be a rational human.
'Tis the season of bowl meals!  A layer of salad or quinoa or rice topped with a protein, veggie, dressing or sauce, garnish with avocado and/or a bit of shredded cheese.
They have the benefits of being easy, tasty, and storable (in case we are not all ready for dinner at the same time).
Breakfast smoothies are not my favorite thing, but it makes for an easy meal if you are getting worn out on eggs or oatmeal.
This week I used a protein shake as my liquid and added chia, with frozen spinach and frozen banana, just blended up in my cheapie blender.  It wasn't bad, but I was roaringly hungry by noon.
The heat index in Austin yesterday was 114 degrees, but did that stop me from stopping at Home Depot for some sod, lawn soil, and mulch?  No.  I am determined to continue working to make the yards and landscaping pretty.  One small step at a time, especially in this heat.  I am putting off mowing the grass until next week.
Back in April, Scout and I cut most of the limbs off the photinia as it was diseased and looked terrible.  I've since done a little reading on the subject and happened upon a homemade fungicide recipe that should help as it has decided that it really wants to live.
It looks pitiful.  This wall is where I keep the bins, and the whole area kind of looks like hell.  But I will work on this area a bit more in the fall.  Incidentally, this is the space where all the rocks that I pull out of the landscaping go...I quit tossing them in the trash bin and now just chuck them over here.  We're gonna call this whole area a work in progress...



Joanne said...

Your meal prepping looks good... I hate meal prepping but force myself to do it a few times a week because having healthy foods on hand help keep me from making awful choices later.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

There was a time when I used to prep my meals like that. It was really wonderful to just reach into the refrigerator and pull something out that I knew I would enjoy, that would be healthy, and filling. I see that you have slices of avocado here, doesn’t that turn dark on you? I am a nut for avocados, in fact, I am growing an avocado tree in a container that, according to the company, is supposed to bear. Perhaps not in my lifetime, but here is hoping. I would love to be able to prep a salad and have slices of avocado on top. I think you may have inspired me here. I really need to get back into doing this, because at night, food consumption is really bizarre, because I’m hungry, and I grab oddball things. One night it was leftover Bob Evans mashed potatoes and a handful of gum drops. Truth.

Kim said...! You think I'd be used to hearing these temps from your part of the world from so many Texas bloggers in my feed, but after 11 years, I'm still astonished. I don't know how you function in that heat. My goodness!