Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday menus #42

 Last week's creamy pumpkin soup was fantastic.  I added a touch of curry powder to it and served it with bacon and cheese quesadillas.
The boys ate only one bowl of it, so I am counting on it being freezer storage friendly!

Monday - Crockpot Beef Stew {work until 8:30 p.m.}
Tuesday - Tilapia, fresh green beans with apple dressing {pick up groceries, make phone calls from my desk in the a.m.}
Wednesday - Grilled Chicken, brussels sprouts, twice baked potato {seal bathroom #1's grout}
Thursday - Sausage Beanie Wienie, corn, garlic toast {replace the patio lights, buy a Christmas tree for my bedroom}
Friday - Bruschetta Meatloaf, leftover veggies, buttery rice {possibly check on Mom's house}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed {work until 8:30 p.m.}



Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Thanks for the reminder about pumpkin soup. I haven’t made any of that this year, and I love it. I have a pretty heavy hand with the curry because I’m a big fan.

Joanne said...

That soup looks delicious! It sounds like a delicious week as well. We haven't had twice baked potatoes in a long time.