Friday, October 28, 2022

5 thing Friday - stitching, labyrinth, tranquility, bacon fat, Mark

 I've been setting my alarm for a little earlier than usual each day, making coffee, journaling and working on my GriefShare notebook, checking email...then turning off the computer and spending at least 30 minutes stitching before I pack a lunch, take a shower, and eat breakfast.
It's strangely relaxing.  I listen to meditative music and think of nothing, just stitches.  It is 100% better than spending time staring at the computer screen and is a calming start to my day.
At work we have a tranquility room.  I forgot about it for years, but its been there, all along.  One of my favorite aspects is this labyrinth plaque.  The message, framed below it, instructs you.  After I trace it with a fingertip, I sit for a few minutes and take in the calm.
There is usually a sound machine on - you can choose from a range of sounds.  Sometimes there are painted rocks - take one and reflect on the hand-painted message someone drew on it.  Or aromatherapy sachets that smell of lavender - you can tuck it into your pocket or use its sticker back and attach it to your name badge.  On this particular day there were small cards that had inspirational messages - read one and place it back into the deck.  This is just a lovely place to be for a few minutes in the midst of your day.
For so long I have purchased turkey sausages, thinking they were better for me than low salt, low sugar bacon.  They aren't.  And bacon fat is a happy by-product of a package of bacon that when cooked, equals 6 servings of bacon for me to go with one of my weekday breakfasts.  Cook it, freeze it, save the fat.
Someone set up a Dia de los Muertos display in our breakroom and it is so colorful and beautiful and full of I made a copy of this favorite photo of Mark to add to the display along with other co-worker's loved one's photos.  I hope I will not cry when I place it there.  But I make no promises.



Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

It has been quite a while since I was last in an actual work place, having spent the last ten of my working years in various libraries, but I hope they all offer tranquility rooms. The one you described sounded lovely. I also like that there is a Day of the Dead shrine of sorts.

Morning stitching does sound serene. I have so many stitching projects midway, that perhaps I should do the same.

Karen said...

No promises needed. If you feel like crying, just do it. Love you, praying for you.