Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Firstborn's birthday last weekend

 We saw Firstborn and LA last weekend and it was fun to hang out with them and treat them to some beer and food trailer eats in Driftwood.
The menu was wurst and curly fries - a super healthy  way to celebrate your 31st birthday. {that can't be right - he's 31??}
We also enjoyed some mead.  And a LOT of fries.
Hubby stopped by a favorite cigar shop that morning and bought Firstborn a couple of stogies.
I think he had a good time hanging out with us.
I regret not getting a pic of LA! She brought along some tiny dominoes and we sat under gray skies, sipping beer and mead, playing games, and having a good time.
They remind us of us way back when - young and poor and making it through this crazy world we are living in.  Staying grounded and thankful and not-so-socially distant with family.  I hope they keep moving in the right direction!


Monday, January 25, 2021

Empty Nest Menu #74

Dusting all of the shelves and putting Christmas away felt so good.  How is that, when I tend to look so forward to the holidays?
I don't know little owl, I don't know...

Monday - Mexican Chicken Tacos, Chopped Salad
Tuesday - Italian Crumb Baked Cod (didn't have this recently), fresh green beans
Wednesday - (Freezer) Apricot Chicken, rice, yellow squash
Thursday - Lime Shredded Pork, baked sweet potato
Friday - Easiest Italian Chicken Ever, garlic toast
Saturday - TBD
Sunday - TBD {Hubby's birthday}


Friday, January 22, 2021

5 thing Friday - snow, pumpkin, wreath, thrive, Highlands

Remember that Sunday it snowed in Austin?
It cracks me up that people think it doesn't snow in Texas.  Its maybe rare for Central Texas, but when I was growing up in Lubbock, it was a regular winter thing.   Remember:  TEXAS IS BIG.
Since it was a Sunday, and we were fairly homebound, I broke out the two cans of pumpkin leftover from Thanksgiving and made some treats.  One loaf of pumpkin bread to eat, warm with butter, one for the freezer,
...and a pie for dessert.
I also made a "new" wreath for the front door, using my deconstructed Christmas wreath.  I will leave the wintery greenery up until at least mid-February.  It still fits the season and is so pretty.  Not to mention free since I had everything for it already.
My word of the year is thrive.
Its not enough for me to just survive.  "Survive" feels dismal.  Thrive feels forward-moving.  I ordered this brass and sterling tag from The Vintage Pearl, along with a cranberry pearl drop.  I try to remind myself everyday that I want to move forward in joy.  Sad is not ok.
Hubby and I were at Highlands last weekend for the first time in many weeks.  It was both unfamiliar yet felt like home all at the same time.  Weird.  We had a campfire, made a delish pasta dinner, putseyed around, napped in our lounge chairs, ate late breakfast and lunch, and just generally decompressed.
God willing, we will do it again this weekend!


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Weekend re-cap: 12 Fires, Alex Anthony Vineyards, Highlands

We started off Saturday with a few little chores around the house, then ate a  Chik-Fil-A lunch on the road.  We had plans to visit two new to us wineries in the Hill Country, then end the day at Highlands.  Time to get back into our spirit of exploration and maybe write an article or two for the wine blog.
Finding the first winery, 12 Fires, along a gravel side road between two larger wineries was a challenge, but well-rewarded.  These little out of the way places are always fun to find.

One of the owners conducted our tasting outside and our visit was very relaxing and informative. But there was only one of him and many more we said our goodbyes and headed back up the road to Johnson City.
Where we found a very cute little tasting room just off the courthouse square -  Alex Anthony Vineyards.  We had passed it several times in the past, waiting for them to open.  Turns out, they opened, in October, we just hadn't been out that way at the end of the year.
They had the friendliest owner and general manager!  And their tasting room was  cozy/casual and chic with art and candles. I'm sure we will be back again - they are on the way to and from Highlands.
We said our goodbyes there, too, and headed to Highlands where we sat around a firepit until well after dark, making some spicy eggplant ravioli with Alfredo sauce for dinner.  The next day we slept in, ate a very late lunch, harvested some photos from Hubby's wildlife camera, and lounged around in our chairs.  It was a very relaxing end to a fun weekend.  Just what we needed!


Monday, January 18, 2021

Empty Nest Menu #73

January has not been without it's share of drama. 
I need for 2021 to settle down

Monday - Herb Crumb-topped Cod, stuffed mushrooms {Happy Birthday, Firstborn!}
Tuesday - Salmon, chopped salad {clean carpets today}
Wednesday - Bean and Spinach Soup, garlic toast
Thursday - Porcupine Meatballs, butternut squash {start filling out the FAFSA}
Friday - Brown Sugar Chicken, baked potato, peas {doc appt for me}
Saturday - Free Choice all day {lunch with Firstborn and LA}
Sunday - Cowboy Chicken over rice, zucchini {haircut day!}


Friday, January 15, 2021

5 thing Friday - recycled food, flip flops, Covid shot, friends, learning new things

Hubby likes to say that I recycle food.  I guess that's true.  I made a delightful pasta supper with leftover bits of ham, half a package of pasta I found in the pantry, the rest of a crab cheese ball, and the  pesto dip I fixed for NYE.
I browned the ham bits first, then tossed them in.  It was amazing.
With some Christmas monies from my mother, I bought myself a few things, including these flip flops which I practically live in when the weather is warm.  I know its December - today might be cold, but tomorrow will be warm.  Welcome to crazy Central Texas weather!
My first Covid shot seemed like not really a big deal.  The whole set-up at our hospital was orderly and friendly.  My arm hurt for a couple of hours, but I took Motrin at home and didn't notice anything the next day.  HOWEVER, the second shot had a little less than a 24 hour latent effect with malaise, chills, and flushing/fever and a sore arm.  Not fun.  But its over.  Only time will tell if these vaccines work.
I took a pretty tote with Christmas goodies to my friend Carol a couple of  weekends ago.  We met at a winery and had a nice time sitting on their sunny patio and talking about everything.  One of my resolutions for the year will be to meet up with her more often.  I've been bad about making time to spend with friends.  That would be a good thing to do in 2021, pandemic be damned.
I volunteer myself for things at work that I feel like very few people care about.  Like this Kudos board.  Its meant as a way to leave a positive note to a co-worker.  {The one next to it has stars and everyone's name} Its cheery in the hallway.  But I am learning something new at work and won't really have time for such things - time to move forward.  
That's how January makes me feel - get moving!!


Monday, January 11, 2021

Slightly Less Empty Nest Menu #72

 Last week it was my goal to empty out most of the leftovers from the freezer.  I succeeded. Now I need to go through all of those empty containers, recycling the ones that are worn out or have absorbed odors (yuck), and organizing them under the cabinet.  The freezer got a wipe down and a new box of baking soda.  Then I went shopping.
Bubbie will be with us another week, then its back to Empty Nest as usual.

Monday - Parmesan Chicken Thighs, fresh green beans
Tuesday - Tuna Bowls {Albacore tuna, chick peas, spinach, tomato, green onion, Feta}
Wednesday - Crock Pot Beans with Christmas ham hock, corn muffins
Thursday - Tacos al Pastor Salad (instead of in tacos) with romaine, black beans, cheese, avocado
Friday - Buttermilk Herb Chicken Breasts, cornbread dressing, brussels sprouts
Saturday - Free choice all day
Sunday - Alamo Bowls with shrimp {rice, red and green bell peppers, onions}
Dessert this week will be Christmas cookies from the freezer!


Friday, January 8, 2021

Cowboy Casserole

I'm not sure where I found this recipe but it is pure comfort food casserole delight.  You couldn't call it healthy by any stretch of the imagination.  But I love it and the leftovers heat up just fine.

Cowboy Casserole
1 1/2 lbs. ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 can corn, drained (I use frozen)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c. milk
4 T sour cream
1 bag tater tots (mine was not a full bag.  oh well.)

Defrost the tots.  Cook the onion 1 minute in the skillet.  Add ground beef.  Cook until no longer pink, then drain fat off.  Add garlic and take it off the heat.  In a small bowl combine milk, soup, and sour cream and whisk until smooth.  Add to hamburger mixture and stir.  Add corn and 1 cup of the shredded cheese.  Grease a 13x9 dish and layer tots, hamburger mixture, tots, then cheese.  {you could stop here, cover it with wrap, place in fridge, and leave instructions for the person who is cooking dinner, in this case, Hubby} Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 350.
Serve with a salad and enjoy every bite! 
And don't let NY resolutions stop you from enjoying a good dinner. 


Shared with:
Full Plate Thursday at Miz Helen's

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Mini holiday re-cap, 2020

I took few pics at Christmastime, but my heart wasn't really into it.  I did the best I could with all the things:  shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking, spending time with my friends and family, working. But it felt blue.  
On Christmas Eve we gathered for fun around the firepit, some winter sangria, and a delish meal.  With us were Firstborn and LA, The Girl, Bubbie.  
I set the gifts out that morning.  There were many more by the time we had all gathered together.
I set the table in a very simple way.  Everything tasted wonderful and there were zero leftovers of that overnight mac and cheese.  It was to die for!  Next time I make it I will share the recipe.  We had Spiral sliced ham, Arkansas green beans, rolls, and loads of Christmas cookies, too.
We sat out by the firepit - it was quite chilly!
The Girl bundled up with Teddy to stay warm.
We enjoyed some dark beer and socializing.
Hubby was deep in convo here with The Girl.
We opened Secret Santa gifts after dinner and had a great time!
The next morning we gathered again, to open our main gifts and eat brunch before I headed off to work.   
Bubbie's friend, Delilah, joined us for a while.  We had a good time just hanging out together.  I had a crockpot going with Hamburger Soup and the house smelled so good.  It was hard to leave but my shift went by fast.
The next day we ordered pizza and celebrated Bubbie turning 22.  He and Delilah and Hubby watched a movie and I putseyed around.  It was a quiet end to two days of full-on family time. New Year's Day I worked again, and most of us were in bed early on NYE. And now we are in January and Christmas seems far away!
