Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Weekend re-cap: all Camp Rustown

I started out Saturday by organizing all of the things in the fridge.  I found carrots and celery that were meant to be prepped and bagged up for lunches (oops), produce that needed to be cooked very soon (another oops) and some leftovers to be placed in containers for lunches.  Since I also needed to prep for dinner I spent some time in there doing all of that while wiping out the fridge interior. 
 My mother gave me this very old speckleware colander and it is the new home of all of the peppers I've been ordering from Imperfect.  Peppers are so good in lots of things! Next up:
 Figuring out a space for me to sew and craft since Hubby is still working from home.  The Lounge is getting crowded and I can no longer access the small area next to the printer.
Plus, my sewing and crafts closet was a wreck.  A somewhat neat wreck, but still, not really a good system.  And not a good way to store my machine.
 I cleaned it out and set the sewing stuff aside.  I need to root around in the garage and find the board for the shelf that was originally in here when we bought the house.  An extra shelf would make things more accessible.  Most of the photo albums live in this closet, too.
Bubbie's room seemed like the most logical place to set up my sewing area, if only temporarily.  I asked him if he would mind and he said no.  I don't need drawers, just an outlet for the machine and the iron.
When he comes home to visit, I can move all of it out of the way.  And speaking of the iron...
 ...there had been a basket of ironing sitting on the floor of the Lounge for weeks.  I just went ahead and ironed all of the things.
 Then I moved the ironing board and iron out of the room and set the empty basket in the cleared out closet.  And now the bottom shelf has less crap.
 I finished up the family portrait album I had been working on, did some filing, and made us some Porcupine Meatballs for dinner.  And finally got my hair cut!  Then we filled our growler at a favorite place and headed home to watch the sunset from the backyard while dinner cooked.  The meatballs were very good so I will definitely save that recipe!
The next day we did various yardwork items then stopped for lunch at 2:30 at Luby's for a liver and onion comfort lunch (we LOVE it) followed by naps at home.  We decided that we cannot let things go for so long and expect to get it all done in one day.  We still have plenty more to do but there's always next weekend.  Hubby cooked a late dinner and we called it an early night.  No call-in's for me, so I was ready to roll in on Monday.  A little tired, but happy with having tied up some loose ends around the house!


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