The pile of stuff we take to Highlands always looks excessive. And Hubby always grumbles "what all is in here?!" I spy: boxed wine, an empty water buffalo, the haircut kit, an overnight bag, a cooler of food, bug spray, a potty...
Its better to take the things we need for the projects we are working on because a round trip to the Marble Falls Wally World or Lowe's is a minimum of 1 hour. And a lot of items go up to Highlands, but don't get taken back.
Simple campfire dinner: sauteed onions, peppers, and tomatoes over cannellini beans, and pesto topped cod. One pot, no leftovers, and perfect summer fare.
The wine club pick-up at Fiesta Winery in Lometa was great. Go here to hear the harpist - she was amazing! There were food trucks and happy people all around.
Along with delicious wine, we discovered schnitzel! Why have I never had this? It was like heavenly chicken fried pork chop on a bun, coated in rainbows and served with unicorn smiles. I need to learn to make it.
It was hot outside but we were cool in the shade, kicking back after a delicious lunch with some Tex Way Rose on National Rose Day.
We fired up the Uuni and made pizza on Saturday, but in future we're gonna have to shorten the cooking time to one minute. I made homemade pizza sauce and we used cut up rotisserie chicken and shredded cheese we found in the freezer, added to pre-made thin crusts.
We don't use the Uuni near enough.
Smoked salmon charcuterie with almonds and pistachios, pepper white cheddar, a smidge of cream cheese, and buttery crackers. Served al fresco.
I don't know if you can see this well, but I have a fisherman's sandal tan on my feet that looks reedonkerus. And in my attempt to even it out, I might have gotten sunburned again. I think I'll just leave it alone. Who looks at my feet besides me anyway?
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