Monday, June 29, 2020

Less Empty Nest Menu #45

The Girl and Bubbie are visiting us at some point in these menus...if so, I will make adjustments in how much I cook, but they are also on the Veggie Train with Mom and Dad.

Monday - Rotisserie Chicken Tacos with tri-color slaw, sliced radishes, avocado, queso fresco on whole wheat or corn tortillas
Tuesday - One Pot Pesto Tortellini with broccoli
Wednesday - Fajita Bowls with fajita meat and peppers, rice, cheese, tomatoes, bell pepper
Thursday - Salmon Patties, baked sweet potato, cannellini beans
Friday - Italian Drip Beef, green beans, skinny masheds
Saturday - Independence Day!  {Not sure where we will be or what we will eat}
Sunday - Cheese and Veggie Frittata


Friday, June 26, 2020

5 thing Friday - pillows, deck, wreath, ideas, vines

Using a sale code and free shipping I bought a cute pillow for my reading chair in the backyard.  I love this little nook under a crepe myrtle.
I know you can barely see what it says - relax - but its cute with a straw-like material that is all-weather.  Me likey.
I brought home some baby cacti that I found here and there at Highlands.  I have one for The Girl and one for Bubbie, too.  This baby found a home in a painted pot that Scout made for me when he himself was a wee one in elementary school.
I also moved my chocolate mint herb pot out here and bought some bright and pretty patio pillows, and we spray washed the deck. Happy colors!  A little sprucing for a sweet little deck space to sip wine.  #winning
Then I got all kinds of crazy and made a summer wreath using stuff I already had in my stash.  Total cost = $0.
Hmmm...maybe I should get a vinyl transfer for the door that says just that.
Cute idea:  dated wrought iron candle holders mounted on reclaimed fence wood.  I could so do this.  This was noticed in a junk shop in Burnet. 
{always have your phone handy to take pics of cute stuff!}
If I were any kind of gardener, I would plant grape vines along the (6 foot) fence surrounding my garden.  Which I will be some day - and I already know that Pipoul Blanc will thrive!


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Weekend re-cap: Father's Day Wining and Dining

Saturdays are meant for getting the heck out of Dodge.  After a quick stop for breakfast we headed to Highlands to drop off our cargo and putsey a bit until it got too hot.
Next stop was Perissos to listen to live music and sip wine in the shade. Social distancing was followed and we had our own picnic table with a great view. 

 I set out a small charcuterie for us to enjoy.
We decided to stop into 7 Creeks - it is becoming one of our favorite places.  We had just missed both the food truck and the live music, but we enjoyed a chilled white wine and sat listening to breezes and birds.  Very relaxing!  

 At Highlands, I found a feather that an owl must've dropped.  Aside from deer, mostly we are seeing only the owls lately.  Not sure where the turkeys and coyotes are hiding.  Oh, and last weekend there were those two armadillos running through, spooking us a bit.  I am happy we haven't seen rattlesnakes, but there are still scorpions aplenty.
On Sunday we headed home before lunch - Hubby wanted to cook fajitas for Father's Day. 

 We also had an easy cheesecake pie topped with fresh strawberries.  Firstborn had us all to himself for socializing and eating!
The food was good, the company, too.  And with that, the weekend, ended all too soon. 


Monday, June 22, 2020

Empty Nest Menu #44

- Pesto Chicken Bites, chard* {order my veggie box}

Tuesday - Taco Salad Bowls with turkey taco meat and black beans, tomato, green onions, cilantro, shredded cheese, sour cream on shredded lettuce
Wednesday - Cowboy Quiche (made with pork sausage), chopped salad
Thursday - Salmon, black eyed pea salad
Friday - Crock Pot Ranch Pork Chops, one serving rice each, green beans
Saturday - Dinner with Bubbie in San Marcos {visit a new to us winery, walk a virtual 5K that I roped Hubby into}

Sunday - One Pot Spaghetti, lemony broccoli


Friday, June 19, 2020

5 thing Friday - cargo, summer cooking, summer eating, Fiesta, foot tan

The pile of stuff we take to Highlands always looks excessive.  And Hubby always grumbles "what all is in here?!"  I spy: boxed wine, an empty water buffalo, the haircut kit, an overnight bag, a cooler of food, bug spray, a potty...
Its better to take the things we need for the projects we are working on because a round trip to the Marble Falls Wally World or Lowe's is a minimum of 1 hour.  And a lot of items go up to Highlands, but don't get taken back.  
Simple campfire dinner:  sauteed onions, peppers, and tomatoes over cannellini beans, and pesto topped cod. One pot, no leftovers, and perfect summer fare.
 The wine club pick-up at Fiesta Winery in Lometa was great.  Go here to hear the harpist - she was amazing!  There were food trucks and happy people all around.
Along with delicious wine, we discovered schnitzel!  Why have I never had this?  It was like heavenly chicken fried pork chop on a bun, coated in rainbows and served with unicorn smiles.  I need to learn to make it.
It was hot outside but we were cool in the shade, kicking back after a delicious lunch with some Tex Way Rose on National Rose Day.  
We fired up the Uuni and made pizza on Saturday, but in future we're gonna have to shorten the cooking time to one minute.  I made homemade pizza sauce and we used cut up rotisserie chicken and shredded cheese we found in the freezer, added to pre-made thin crusts.
 We don't use the Uuni near enough.
 Smoked salmon charcuterie with almonds and pistachios, pepper white cheddar, a smidge of cream cheese, and buttery crackers.  Served al fresco.
 I don't know if you can see this well, but I have a fisherman's sandal tan on my feet that looks reedonkerus.  And in my attempt to even it out, I might have gotten sunburned again.  I think I'll just leave it alone.  Who looks at my feet besides me anyway?


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Esperanza Vineyard wine club party

Instead of closing her tasting room for the summer wine club pick-up, our friend Judy of Esperanza Vineyard invited us to her property for strolling among the vines with a glass of wine last Thursday.  I don't know how you could say no to that, and I was in dire need of a day off during the week. 
Spring Branch is about an hour and a half from our house, through very scenic Texas Hill Country.  She met us in the driveway and said "park your car, get a glass of wine, and meet us in the vines" and a group of folks were heading out.  We made a beeline for the wine, then ran out to catch up with everyone.  I sure didn't want to miss the tour!

She has acres of beautiful oaks - she cleared out a lot of the cedar trees herself.  And all of the vines were planted by her, with help from her daughters.  A 10 foot fence keeps deer from doing their own brand of creative landscaping - she learned that the hard way.

She is one of the friendliest people we know and is working hard to get her winery off the ground.  Her tasting room in Blanco is a cozy place to sit and sip wine, and her wines are excellent. {read more about it here}  For part of the "tour" her daughter took over and showed us the first vines they planted.  The property was left to she and her siblings when their parents passed, so it has been both a work and an education in progress.
 We walked around admiring the place.  Met and made pleasant conversation with other wine club members.  And just enjoyed the heck out of a sunny and beautiful afternoon.

 She has a lot of Sauvignon Blanc planted, but also a bit of Tempranillo.  I'm sure I would make a terrible wine farmer - the work is back-breaking and so many things can wreck your grapes.  Deer, birds, too much rain, powdery name a few.

 When we got home later in the day, we enjoyed some more of her wine in our tiny deck in the back yard.  It was a relaxing day, full of driving, walking, and socializing, and we were so happy to have taken the day off to spend in the country.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Empty Nest Menu #43

I added a couple of new recipes to my menus for the week, hoping it would break me out of the mealtime funk.  And after this round of meals we will stop using the oven.  Its just too hot outside!

Monday - Pinto Bean Soup, corn muffins {gonna start my Christmas shopping}
Tuesday - Pork Rib Chops, Copper Pennies, sauteed garlicky chard
Wednesday - Crockpot Brisket and Onions, BBQ beans, broccoli with lemon butter
Thursday - Overnight Mac and Cheese, leftover brisket, green beans
Friday - Turkey Sloppy Joes, avocado and low salt chips, skillet squash
Saturday - Pineapple BBQ Chicken Foil Packets {going to Perisso's for wine and live music in the afternoon}

Sunday - Eat here, or get a burger to go on our way home from Highlands


Friday, June 12, 2020

A small and thrifty sewing project

 When I recently visited my mother, I helped her do some cleaning and dirtied up all of her cleaning rags.  I use them for everything and I usually wash them in hot bleach-y soapy water and hang them on the line to dry when we are done.  But I noticed that they were in pretty sad shape. Time to make her some new ones, and as fate would have it, I had also ordered some new bath towels for Camp Rustown.  Meaning I could use one of the older towels to make cleaning rags.
I pulled out all of the cleaning rags I already owned and made sure they were all still useable. I trimmed off the stringy edges, folded them, and stacked them in that little white basket you see.  It lives under the kitchen sink.  I keep some in each bathroom, too - they are strictly for cleaning things, not people.  Then I kept out one of the ratty ones to use as a pattern of sorts.  I'll just save it in my sewing box as I'm sure I will do this little task for years to come!
Using my rotary cutter and mat, I got 15 new cloths out of one of the old towels I pulled from house circulation.  I used to purchase cleaning rags in packs of 10 at Wally World for about 5 bucks.  But why should I when I can just make them for nothing?  I also used to buy colored bath towels, but white ones make so much more sense - easy to see when they are dirty, easy to bleach, and easy to hang in the sun.
Then I sat at my machine in Bubbie's room and gave each of them a zig zag stitch, close to the edges to minimize fraying.  Fifteen new cleaning rags for my mother's house and few minutes feeling crafty and frugal before I cleaned it all up and went to work for the day.  These little projects do a lot to help me feel normal in these crazy times.  And it got me to thinking about what I want to sew and craft next.


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Life and Linda

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Weekend re-cap: much of nothing

 It was a week of drudge for both of us, so we were looking forward to getting out of town on Saturday!  We grabbed a taco breakfast in Bertram along the way.
Second stop was 7 Creeks, as they were going to be grilling hot dogs and had live music.  Who doesn't love a good grilled hot dog with their wine, I ask you?

 This is becoming one of our favorite places.
It was hotter outside than it looks (94) and the humidity was high.  In fact, the rest of June it will be in the 90's so I guess summer has started!  From 7 Creeks, we popped over to Torr Na Lochs as we haven't been there in months and it is just down the road.

There were not as many folks there as we thought there would be, though they had live music, too, just up on that covered stone patio.

We headed to Highlands to putsey around for the afternoon, and I made a sausage and peppers skillet for dinner that we ate around the campfire.  Though we never saw him (or her) we "talked" to a Great Horned Owl, trading hoots just after sundown.
 The next morning we put some cocoa spice rubbed ribs on the grill and did some chores.  We hadn't planned to spend a lot of time on work, but the day kind of got away from us.  Hubby was going to do a quick once over with the riding mower, but he hit a large rock and spent an hour or so repairing a blade.  Meanwhile, I was gathering down wood and feeding the burn barrel.  He also gave the front of the barn a once-over with the powerwasher. 
 We stopped around 1, showered, and ate the ribs with some crock pot pintos. Hooray for grilling season, and I think we may also do some smoking next weekend.
 As we sat there we talked about plans to continue to work on the barn.  We still need to put a floor in, add metal corrugated tin on the outside, and extend the patio pavers.  As you can see below, we have removed the window A/C unit.  None of the outside work should be done until Fall - its just too hot and the humidity was fierce.
Neither one of us realized we were sunburned from all of our outside work until late afternoon!  We came home, ate dinner, and were asleep pretty early.  Two days go by in a flash, but this is only a three day work-week for us and we vow that this coming weekend will not have big chores!
