Friday, July 5, 2019

Independence Day 2019

Amidst steadily working on my summer bucket list, which is coming along, we enjoyed a (somewhat) relaxing July 4th  
I prepped sides and Hubby grilled.  Our only two guests were Bubbie and Firstborn, but we enjoyed a feast!
Baby back ribs, a crockpot full of beans, coleslaw, queso and fritos, watermelon, and a pan of chocolate chip pecan oatmeal bars.
I could eat ribs once a week!
We also worked on finding an apartment in San Marcos for Bubbie and tried not to freak out that classes start in 7 weeks and we have a crap ton left to do.  I think we found the place for him, though, and we are going to check it out tomorrow, hopefully sign a lease, and get him acquainted with the area.
 It was nice to see Firstborn in a silly mood - he looks well.
 And don't let this look fool you, he was just as happy about the ribs as I was!  At 2:30, I left for work (which was surprisingly busy) and Hubby and Bubbie took in the fireworks in Cedar Park.  And today I feel a little tired, but my To Do list is brimming and I have the day off and a quiet house to myself! 
Happy Friday!


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