Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Weekend re-cap: yardwork time and down time, Burnet and Austin

I think that the tall grass and wildflowers at Highlands are attracting more of our little "friends" to live there:
Why hello Mr. Gigantic Wolf Spider.  I'm not really a fan...I wouldn't want a bite from this guy.  Its definitely time to mow, and seal cracks in the barn as well.
 We got started early Saturday morning - the future backyard of Highlands before a haircut.
 Just imagine how many rattlers, scorpions, and wolf spiders are calling this their home!
On second thought, I don't want that much nature up close and personal to where I hang out on the weekends, and I'm pretty sure we will find mice living in those BBQ grills!
It was cloudy when Hubby finished mowing.  And at 85 degrees and high humidity we were done. We probably should make a rule that says no strenuous outdoor activity past noon until Fall arrives.  The rest of that day was a blur but involved visiting one of our favorite wineries for a delightful pick-up party with tacos and live music.  Then home to Rustown!
 The next morning, Hubby and I had lunch at a new to us Mexican restaurant in Austin.  Homemade corn tortillas, the best barbacoa, fiery hot sauce, nopalitos salad - everything was so good!
We stopped at Drought House which was a couple blocks away for a friendly game of Jenga.
Which reminds me - we haven't played our giant Jenga much.  Its under a table in a big box surrounded by super tall grass.  After a beer, we headed over to a winery in East Austin that we used to be members of.
I always really liked them - Hubby not so much.  And it didn't help matters that their new location features zero air conditioning, unless you count open doors and fans. We felt bad for the poor lady behind the wine bar.  We had one frozen rose (actually pretty good) and hit the trail.
Landing at this winery and enjoying this award-winning red blend called Workhorse.  The wine was good, but their computer system was down and they could only accept cash and they were closing an hour early for a private event. We went home to enjoy spaghetti and salad with Firstborn and Bubbie, still sore from all the yardwork.  And hopefully this coming weekend won't see more of the same!


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