Friday, July 7, 2017

Giant Jenga DIY

About three weeks ago, I posted about giant Jenga - seems like all the rage now, perfect for summer.  We decided to make a set for Highlands.
The above set was at Twisted X.  I counted the blocks, found the wood at Home Depot, and headed over to have it cut while I did some milling around the store.  There are lots of tutorials posted on Pinterest and such - basically I ended up with 39 blocks of 2x4 that were 10.5 inches long apiece.
The first two cuts were free, and after that there was a small charge.  Worth it, I say, for not having to haul out the table saw in summer heat!
I have a couple of laundry baskets in the back of my car that I use to keep groceries from rolling around.  I just piled the blocks into those for the trip home.
 Then Hubby got to work sanding the edges.
It took him a while, but he also sanded off the printing on each one - we wanted a smooth and clear surface for people to doodle on!
 Smooth boards also mean the blocks will slide against each other better.
 And no one will get splinters!
 I bought one of those large clear storage boxes for them to live in, and I ordered a set of multi-color Sharpies for us to graffiti our blocks with.
 The Girl and Scout played the first game over the 4th of July weekend.
 Watch out, Teddy!
I took this pic just before the stack came tumbling down.  I see many more fun times at Highlands with our Jenga set.  Now Hubby wants to make giant dice and dominoes!


1 comment:

Rue said...

That is really cool! I want one now lol

I hope your leg is feeling better, after your fall. And yes, I do read every post that I've missed when I've been gone ;)
