Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer outing

It was an overcast day and the boys managed to sleep too late for us to go to the only showing of the movie we wanted to see - at 11 a.m.  They have discovered sleeping in.  No matter.  We did errands and ate lunch out.  By now, the boys ignore that I am clicking away as they go about eating lunch.

The skies over us opened up and poured the rest of the afternoon.  We had a lot to do,  including dropping off some 25 year old Beta tapes to be transferred to DVD, picking up a prescription, stopping by Hobby Lobby, HEB, and Home Depot.  But a happy thing happened in the parking lot at Hob Lob.  Next to my car was parked a cart with what looked to be like someone's Goodwill donation - in the pouring rain, just sitting there were these:
Anchor Hocking mixing bowls in mint condition.  The boys laughed at me for grabbing them.  Eventually, I reasoned, they would have gotten smashed out there!  Guess this was my version of dumpster diving. The only thing I found to buy at Hob Lob was this pretty birdy tray:
which was a whopping $2.  It's cute, but may eventually end up painted and mod podged. But, really, I was more excited about the burgers and the free mixing bowls.  Can't beat free!



Debbiedoos said...

Well how convienent was that? I spelled that wrong, oh well....I love those bowl, always comes in handy this time of year. Thanks for joining in, have a great weekend! Debbie

Susan Freeman said...

I think those are great bowls and who can beat free??

Susan and Bentley

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Goodness!! You can't beat free and the bowls are great!!


Jennifer Juniper said...

Great find! Love those bowls :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Those bowls are very cute and can't beat free!

Charlotte said...

What a great find! And free! happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

Super find! Great price - FREE!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

What! Those a great bowls ...Score!


a.M. said...

I would have grabbed those bowls too! Hey- Where did you take your Beta tapes? I have some VHS tapes I need done.

La said...

Great bowls! They were meant to be yours!

ThriftyAnnabella said...

Those bowls are great!