Friday, January 29, 2016

5 thing Friday - books, easy meals, nightlight, Scouting, chili

It was a busy week at Camp Rustown.  You can tell the holidays are over by the amount of general catch up I do around the house with purging, cleaning, and desk work that I was putting off.  The filing alone kills me.
Bubbie and I took the books he was willing to part with to Half Price Books.  You don't get a lot of money for your books there, generally, but it's fun to get a little store credit to spend.  Plus, they usually have a cart or two full of books for cheap.
I managed to only get two items into the freezer for work nights.  It basically involved pouring a sauce over chicken in a big zip loc.  There are several things in the freezer we need to eat up before I get to stocking it up.  Crock pot freezer meals are my friends.
 I bought a new plug in wax warmer.  It's so dang bright!  I love these wax burners for the double duty they pull - light plus scent.  And no candle flame is a win.
Hubby got a high honor at the Scout banquet on Sunday. 
 According to the BSA Armadillo District of Texas:

"The Norm Hummel Award of Excellence is a given by the Armadillo District to recognize an individual’s outstanding contribution to Scouting on the unit or district level. There are no specific requirements for this award. An individual’s contribution of time and energy should be regarded as highly valuable by the members of the unit or district and deserving special public recognition."

I know Hubby will cherish his time involved with the Scouting organization - he is on year 19. It will be a bittersweet transition when Bubbie finishes up.
I found a quick Enchilada Chicken Chili recipe and made some tweaks to it to make it my own.

Crock Pot Enchilada Chicken Chili
Cut 1 1/2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken thighs into chunks.  Season with taco seasoning and brown in the skillet.  Place in bottom of greased crock pot and add:
1 can corn, drained
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
19 oz can red enchilada sauce (I used mild)
1 can chicken broth (not pictured)
2 c. total of chopped red bell pepper, and onion
1 T of chopped garlic
Cook on high for 4 hours.  Serve with chips, sour cream, and shredded cheese


1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

Congrats to hubby! And, that chicken chili recipe sounds so yummy.